Metal Building Systems: A New Look
The use of metal building systems in low-rise, non-residential construction under 150,000 square feet has grown from less than 50 percent in 1986 to almost 70 percent today. Such systems...

Resolution Solutions
Disputes over such issues as change orders, extra work, delays, or defective work are an inescapable part of the construction process. By designing an effective dispute management program...

Dynamic Groundwater Remediation Design with Genetic Algorithms
In groundwater remediation design it has been shown that dynamic policies, in which the pumping strategies may vary throughout the remediation period, can result in more cost-effective...

Watershed and Reservoir Response Models for the Occoquan Reservoir
(No paper) The Occoquan Reservoir serves as a primary water supply for over 800,000 Virginians in the Washington (DC) Metropolitan area. The Occoquan Watershed is approximately 560 square...

Sensitivity of Stormwater Conveyance System Cost to Design Recurrence Interval
(No paper) The cost of a piped and/or swaled stormwater system is determined principally by the storm recurrence interval (e.g., 5-year design storm) used to design it. That is, the present...

Environmental Restoration and Management of the Tres Rios Demonstration Constructed Wetland Project: Mosquito Monitoring, Control and Management Efforts
(No paper) The Tres Rios Demonstration Constructed Wetland Project in Phoenix, Arizona, is providing valuable information on the role of constructed wetlands in ecosystem restoration,...

The Tres Rios River Management Plan: The Result of Multi-Agency Partnering for Management and Restoration at the Confluence of the Salt, Gila and Aqua Fria Rivers
(No paper) The framework consists of a an Oversight Committee made up of Agency Department Heads, a Steering Committee comprised of local area Agency managers, and five Technical Committees:...

Impacts of Global Climate Change upon a Regional Aquifer System in the Northeastern United States
(No paper) The Charles River Basin is a major water resource in eastern Massachusetts. It used for a variety of purposes including water supply, industrial cooling, waste disposal, flood...

A Leadtime Driven Flood Warning Response Plan Design
(No paper) The paper examines the optimal combination of predictive and detective capabilities in the development of the Wickenburg Flood Response Plan and extrapolates those findings...

Arizona Stream Navigability
(No paper) The State of Arizona is currently in the process of determining the ownership of the streambeds of watercourses within the state boundaries. Claims of ownership turn on whether...

City of Sedona Wastewater Reclamation Plant Upgrade: How to Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
(No paper) The City of Sedona's early 1990's wastewater treatment plant was difficult to control, prone to plant upsets, near capacity and often experienced on-site sewage spills. Additionally,...

Bridge Safety and Reliability
Sponsored by the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE. This report covers a wide range of applications of modern structural safety and reliability...

A Safer Route
More than 42,000 people died in transportation-related incidents in 1997, making motor vehicle accidents the leading cause of death for individuals between age one and 34. Engineers are...

Stream Stability and Scour at Highway Bridges
Compendium of Stream Stability and Scour Papers Presented at Conferences Sponsored by the Water Resources Engineering (Hydraulics) Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers
Sponsored by the Water Resources Engineering (Hydraulics) Division of ASCE. This collection contains 75 papers and 321 abstracts presented at conferences...

An Olympic Endeavor
Although some of the venues for the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah, already exist, three sites in particular are either being built from scratch or will replace outdated...

Enduring Elegance (Available in Structural Engineering Special Issue only)
Every architect who designs for earthquake-prone areas wants to create an elegant aesthetic form despite the limitations of seismic considerations. The San Francisco International Airport's...

Evaluation of the ISOGRID Retaining Wall System
Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center, a CERF service center. This report presents the results of a HITEC evaluation of the...

A Joint Effort
In a public-private partnership that required close working relationships, a project that aimed to restore an old canal system� and its waterfront�in Richmond was combined with an effort...

High-Tech Highway
The Virginia Dept. of Transportation has spent more than $30 million on the first 2 miles (3.2 km) of the planned 5.7 mile (9.2 km) Smart Road near Roanoke, Virginia. Eventually the road...

Conquering the Mountain
Interstate 26 will be the largest and most expensive highway project ever undertaken in North Carolina. When completed in 2002, I-26 will provide safe and efficient interstate passage...





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