Underground Storage Tank Program and Its Implications
National concern over leaking underground tanks storing hazardous materials and wastes has resulted in the implementation of the 1984 Amendments of RCRA, which include the requirement...

The Nebraska Chemigation Cat?1987 in Review
The Nebraska Chemigation Act was signed into law in April of 1986 with requirements effective January 1, 1987. The Act is one of the most comprehensive pieces of chemigation legislation...

Institutional Approaches to Ground Water Management
The nature of ground water has made the management of it difficult. Lack of understanding regarding the interrelationship of ground and surface waters has sometimes resulted in unworkable...

Drainage Laws and Organizations
The legal issues associated with drainage relate to repelling diffused surface water at the boundaries of one's land as well as with disposing of excess water once it has...

A View from the Bottom: Challenges and Prospects
This presentation addresses the Water Quality Act of 1987 (WQA) as it pertains to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for municipal separate storm sewers. Regulations...

Emergency Regulations and the New Building Code
The 1942 Federal District Building Code was crude and overoptimistic. The 1957 earthquake prompted the drafting of emergency regulations, modern and more realistic. They evolved into the...

Superfund: Oh What a Relief It Isn't
A growing number of environmental engineers are conducting studies to evaluate the competence of waste disposal operations. Waste generators that rely on these studies in their selection...

Regulations Target Underground Tanks
When Congress passed the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984, (RCRA), underground storage tanks were considered to be a major threat to the country's water supplies....

The Problem with Public Works
This article discusses the reasons that public projects take longer to complete than private projects do. Unencumbered by the laws, regulations and political conflicts that slow public...

The Regulation of Private Waterside Development
To implement their Coastal Zone Management and Local Waterfront Revitalization Plans, towns and villages in the State of New York have been encouraged by the State to develop Harbor Management...

Urban Waterfront Zoning: Using CZM Goals to Encourage Revitalization
New York City has historically been a major port and waterfront industrial city. With changes in freight shipping and industrial development, much of the waterfront is no longer needed...

Restoration of Fisheries Habitat: A Legislative Proposal
There are numerous federal, state, and local laws related to the conservation of coastal habitats. Nevertheless, these valuable resources continue to be degraded and destroyed. One result...

Federal-State Conflicts & A 12-Mile Territorial Sea
The growing tension between coastal states and the federal government can be lessened by amending the 1953 Submerged Lands Act to give coastal states a 12-mile territorial sea. For equitable...

Protecting the Reservation Environment Under the Coastal Zone Management Act
Current federal law and practice does not provide direction for the development of Indian tribal coastal zone management programs. The relationship between state, federal and tribal governments...

A Case Study of the CEQ Worst Case Regulation
This paper focuses on a decision by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) not to include a worst case oil spill analysis in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposed...

Managing Growth in Florida: Focus on the Coast
Management of the Florida's phenomenal growth and protection of the coasts became an issue of major public concern in Florida in the mid-1980s. The legislative response to...

The Management of Coastal Zone Resources in Panama
Since independence in 1903, Panama has constructed an interoceanic canal and oil pipeline, established a fishing fleet, built access roads to much of the Pacific shoreline, and developed...

North Carolina Regulatory Systems for Coastal Development
It was not until the late 1960's and early 1970's that several factors converged to produce the current management system. These factors included the level of...

Global Issues?Local Responsibilites
This paper discusses the concrete, day-to-day benefits of international regulations, the specific roles that local officials and interest groups play in developing successful international...

Oil-Native Conflicts Solutions for the Beaufort Sea
Oil and gas development in Federal waters off Alaska has recently been stymied by litigation. Tensions have been increasing rather than decreasing and no development is taking place in...





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