Biodegradation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene in a Two Stage System
An anaerobic/anoxic fluidized-bed GAC bioreactor in series with an activated sludge reactor was used to treat 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT). A simulated high strength wastewater solution...

The Sensitized Photocatalysis of a Mixed Reactant System of 4-Chlorophenol and 4-Nitrophenol
Sensitized photocatalysis has been demonstrated with colored pollutants such as nitrophenols. With visible light excitation of an adsorbed nitrophenolic compound, charge injection into...

Innovative Treatment of Soil Contamination: Radiolytic Destruction of Dioxin and Co-Contaminants by Cobalt-60
Recent work in our laboratory has demonstrated that gamma radiolysis is a feasible method by which 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) can be converted to products of negligible...

Predicting the Impact from Significant Storm Events on a Hazardous Waste Site
The Stringfellow Hazardous Waste Site is a former Class I industrial waste disposal facility located near the community of Glen Avon in southern California. In response to community concerns...

A model to describe the fate of agricultural pollutants
The distributed parameter hydrological model CEQUEAU is coupled to nitrogen and pesticide sub-models to study agricultural non-point pollution at the watershed level. This developing tool...

Interfacing GIS and Water Quality Models for Agricultural Areas
Agricultural activities significantly impact water quality, including increases in stream sediment, nutrients, pesticides, and salt concentrations from runoff. South Florida is unique...

Groundwater Remediation at a Superfund Site
Soil and groundwater contamination at the Montana Post & Pole site in Butte, Montana, one of the nation's oldest Superfund sites, has developed into one of the most significant...

The Rest of the Best
Nominations for this year's Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award ranged from a channel built to control flood waters to the construction of a wastewater pollution...

High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1994
The proceedings of the fifth International Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, held on May 22-26, 1994, Las Vegas, Nevada, continues a concerted effort to transfer technology...

Critical Issues in Water and Wastewater Treatment
This proceedings, Critical Issues in Water and Wastewater, contains short versions of most of the 114 papers presented at the 1994 Specialty...

Advances in Cement and Concrete
This proceedings, Advances in Cement and Concrete, consists of papers presented at the Engineering Foundation Conference held in Durham, New...

The Art of Infrastructure
Phoenix' capital improvement plan is subtitled Our Share Environment. It requires that one percent of the capital budget go toward artistic input on all infrastructure projects:...

Escaping the Niche
In today's business climate of increasing competition and shrinking markets, your company must get the most out of its marketing energy and budget. Finding new clients is...

Soil-Cover Success
After seven years of operation and extensive vertical and lateral expansions, owners of the Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill, located in northern New Jersey's Meadowlands,...

Quest for the Perfect Cap
Exhuming and treating wastes may not always be the most effective way to remediate a site. In some cases, in-place disposal with a protective cap offers the best protection for human health...

Computer-Aided Cleanup
In late 1992, the remedial investigation of Operable Unit 2 at the Department of Energy's Fernald Superfund site in Ohio was in trouble. Despite years of effort-including...

Revenue Enhancement for Water and Wastewater Systems
This proceedings, Revenue Enhancement for Water and Wastewater Systems, examines techniques used in the water and wastewater utility industry...

Spoils of War
Watertown Arsenal, a former U.S. Army arsenal and nuclear research site noted for its innovations in armament technology, has been shut down and is destined to be returned to civilian...

Quality Assurance for Hazardous-Waste Projects
An important aspect of an environmental Quality Assurance (QA) Program, as with any system designed to improve quality of performance, is the specification of objectives which, if met,...

Technical Evaluations Necessary for Determining Site Suitability for a High-Level Waste Repository
Congress, under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended, has charged the Department of Energy with the responsibility for safely and permanently disposing of high-level radioactive...





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