Assessment and Mitigation for Endangered Vernal Pool Invertebrates
The USFWS is considering declaring five species of vernal pool invertebrates endangered. Among these are the Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi), the California Linderiella...

The TGV Network and the Environment
The French TGV network construction shows that the conservation of the environment can be managed in a cost-effective way. Different aspects of the environmental impact of the high speed...

Florida's Marine Turtle Protection Program: Seeking Solutions
The State of Florida is attempting to assist in the recovery of endangered and threatened marine turtles. This paper describes the multi-leveled approach being utilized to address threats...

Duck Soup: Resolving Resource Conflicts at Rush Ranch
Land use conflicts are intensifying as population grows and habitat shrinks. Differences between duck hunters, cattle ranchers, bird watchers and a half dozen state and local agencies...

Myths, Models and Managers of Marine Resources
This paper argues that the assumptions of scientific models are often accepted without verification. Examining the use of Hardin's tragedy of the commons model in the management of marine...

An Ongoing Field Study to Evaluate the Impacts and Direct Effects of Offshore Dreding Activities on Benthic Organisms
Instrumentation and sampling involve box coring, otter trawling, the use of a towed sled carrying video camera, and a sidescan sonar device. The baseline collection phase of the study...

Coastal Development and Cumulative Effects
This paper considers management of habitat quality in coastal zones. It highlights contradictions between modern needs and past modes of development, including industrialization, agrarian...

An Examination of Created Marsh and Seagrass Utilization by Living Marine Resources
It is evident that the time scale required for equivalent functioning of created marsh, seagrass and oyster habitats in terms of LMR utilization is on the scale of years. Even after two...

Sanctuary Program at a Crossroads
The National Marine Sanctuary Program (Program) stands at a Cross roads with its mission to protect special areas of the marine environment. As public debates over the function and size...

Coastal Zone Management for Saman? Bay: Integrating Community Needs
Samana Bay is the third most important breeding destination for migrating, endangered North Atlantic humpback whales, site of some of the largest remaining mangrove habitats in the Caribbean...

The Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program
A National Marine Mammal Tissue Bank (NMMTB) has been established as part of a comprehensive effort to obtain reliable information on contaminant levels in marine mammal tissues. A four...

Stranding Networks and Marine Mammal Management
Marine Mammal Stranding Networks respond to a large number of marine mammal strandings each year. There is a potential to collect a variety of data that can be used for management purposes....

Contaminant Monitoring for NMFS Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program
Because of increasing concern that chemical contamination may impair the health of marine mammals, a better understanding of the extent of contamination and types of toxic effects in these...

Quality Assurance of Contaminant Measurements in Marine Mammal Tissues
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in conjunction with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is developing a program to improve the quality...

Northwest Straits National Marine Sanctuary Study
This paper describes the potential application of the National Marine Sanctuary program to the Northwest Straits study area in northwestern Washington State, USA. Several observations...

Protecting Special Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean: Implementing the 1990 Kingston Protocol
This paper outlines the development of the Kingston Protocol on Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife to the 1983 Cartagena Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine...

Pointe Mouillee: a 4600-acre Multiple Purpose Habitat Constructed and Restored in Western Lake Erie, USA
Pointe Mouille, part of a Michigan Wildlife Management Area, is the site of a major restoration project funded and constructed in the late 1970's by the US Army Corps of Engineers and...

Dredging Related Sea Turtle Studies Along the Southeastern U.S.
Recent studies have documented that five threatened or endangered species of sea turtles occur along the southeastern U.S. coast and are potentially affected by hopper dredging activities....

The Diversification of a Louisiana Coastal Community
Up until about 1984 coastal communities in Louisiana were blessed with a rich and growing economic base primarily centered around oil and gas exploration and production. Complementing...

Bank Erosion at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
The Aransas National Wildlife Refuge has been experiencing problems with the erosion along the banks of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. In order to prevent future erosion it is necessary...





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