Does ASCE Have a Responsibility to Mandate Continuing Education?
This paper won the Mead award for a paper by a younger member of ASCE. He notes that there is an exponential explosion of technology and knowledge and that more demands and higher expectations...

Space Policy: Key Points of International Law
Prospects of exploring space and establishing settlements in outer space have become a worldwide challenge. Space Law and Space Policy must be established on the international as well...

Space Commercialization: Problems of Law and Policy
This paper focuses on executive and legislative efforts to promote the growth of commercial space industries in the United States. After a discussion of the current, situation and efforts...

Historical, Current and Upcoming Regulation Schedules for Lake Okeechobee
This paper reviews historical information of regulation practices for Lake Okeechobee since the beginning of the century. It also describes and analyzes the multipurpose objectives associated...

Water Transfer Law in Kansas
As Kansas enters an era when the water resources are almost fully appropriated, entities needing water may have to purchase or condemn water rights and might have to go long distances...

Balancing Water Allocation and Water Quality: The Model State Water Code
The Model State Water Code (hereafter called the 'Code') currently being developed by an ASCE task committee is intended to provide a source of legal norms of water allocation for use...

Transbasin Diversions: Trends in State Legislation
Transbasin diversion legislation as enacted throughout the United States is reviewed. Commonalities are examined as are regional differences. Legislative trends are evaluated utilizing...

Reclamation and Water Conservation
The Bureau of Reclamation's (Reclamation) original challenge, to settle the West and establish an agricultural base, has been met. Further, Reclamation's role has been evolving from that...

Public Involvement and Participation: Planning Imperatives for the Coming Century
The literature has identified three types of responses to natural resources planning and management efforts in the United States. The first focused upon the more effective use of existing...

The 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act made metropolitan planning organizations very important players in transportation decisionmaking. MPOs have been around since...

Privatization Takes Its Toll
When Congress passed and President Bush signed into law the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, the bill's provisions designed to encourage private-sector...

Technical Evaluations Necessary for Determining Site Suitability for a High-Level Waste Repository
Congress, under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended, has charged the Department of Energy with the responsibility for safely and permanently disposing of high-level radioactive...

Development in Criteria for Dam Corrective Actions
Reviewed is the recent history of the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) Safety of Dams (SOD) Program. Particularly, the development of decision philosophies and technical approaches...

Certified Safety Assessment of Zoccolo Dam
The paper reports one of the activities carried out in the framework of a so called `certified assessment of safety' program activated by ENEL SpA - Italian National Electric Board - in...

Michigan Dam Safety Inspection
This paper describes the new dam safety act which took affect in Michigan in 1990. This act provides for regular inspection of almost 900 dams in Michigan that meet the size and storage...

Congressional-Executive Interaction and the Nuclear Waste Repository Site Selection Process
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (NWPA) (P.L. 97-425) and the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1987 (NWPAA) (Title V of P.L. 100-203) provide the framework for the Department...

New Directions for EPA's High-Level Waste Standards
Recently enacted legislation passed by the 102nd Congress directs a significant change in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) development of standards for spent fuel, high-level...

Thinking Through the Rethinking Report
Congressional action in late 1992 set aside the existing standards for post-closure safety of a possible repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...

Role of Economics in Endangered Species Act Activities Related to Snake River Salmon
The development of recovery actions for the species of Snake River Salmon listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) must consider a wide range of actions covering the different life-cycles...

Condemnation & Florida's Rapid Rail Transportation
High Speed Rail Transportation Projects, (HSRT) whether initiated by private interests or government, almost always require the use of eminent domain proceedings or the threat of eminent...





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