Environmental Engineering
The purpose of the 1983 ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering was to pursue scientific knowledge and promote sound engineering judgement and practice in the solution of...

Arresting a Toxic Plume
At an abandoned gravel pit in New Hampshire turned into a dump site for hazardous liquid chemical wastes (as well as drummed solid waste), engineers had to race against the clock to stem...

In Third World Villages, a Simple Handpump Saves Lives
Millions die each year and many more suffer in the developing countries from diseases spread by contaminated water. In fact, it is estimated that 80% of all disease in the world is due...

Lining Tunnels: Toughest Concreting Job?
Concrete linings for water supply tunnels must resist sulphate and other chemical attack, not contribute pollutants to the water it is carrying, and not leak for its design life, which...

Progress Since 1979 in Sweden
During the past 20 years hard effort has been devoted to the protection of rivers and lakes from pollution. This effort has mainly been focused on the obvious sources of pollution i. e....

Progress Since 1979 in Norway
Following the completion of the major research program 'Purification of Wastewater' in 1978, the organized research activities in urban hydrology almost came...

Progress Since 1979 in the Netherlands
Since the last progress-report still more emphasis has been laid on quality aspects of surface waters. Municipalities as well as Provinces and the national government are responsible for...

Pipelines in Adverse Environments II
State of the art and future trends in pipeline design, construction and maintenance are reviewed. Specific areas addressed include adverse terrain conditions, river crossings-particularly...

Journal of Environmental Engineering
The Journal of Environmental Engineering presents broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental engineering science, systems engineering, and sanitation. Papers...

EPA's Nationwide Urban Runoff Program Designed to Produce Useful Results
EPA's Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) is composed of 28 projects which are obtaining data on the significance and control of urban runoff to aid federal, state, and...

Water Pollution Control Plant Upgraded to Meet EPA Regs
An Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award Nominee, Philadelphia's Southwest Water Pollution Control Plant, has a $300 million addition which nearly doubled plant...

Environmental Engineering
The Proceedings of the 1982 ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering includes papers on a broad spectrum of environmental issues. Over one hundred papers were presented addressing...

State Officials Sound Off on Most Pressing Water Quality Issues
In the months ahead, Congress will undertake the awesome task of amending the nation's most important law regulating water pollution control: the Clean Water Act of 1977....

Organic Chemical Fire in Illinois: Emergency Response and Cleanup
In April 1980 at Hillsboro, Illinois, a fire in an agricultural chemical warehouse generated a hazardous smoke plume, and some 250,000 gallons of water used in fighting the fire were highly...

Does Landfill Leachate Make Clay Liners More Permeable?
Most environmental regulations require that clay liners exhibit permeabilities less than 1 x 10/u-7 cm/sec. While permeability is typically determined...

Environmental Engineering
Eighty-nine of the papers presented at the 1981 National Conference on Environmental Engineering are included. The four major areas of focus are: (1) Solid and hazardous wastes; (2) Water...

Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
The Current State of Knowledge, 1981
An examination of recent strong earthquakes suggests that earthquake engineering should be strengthened and institutionalized in the lifeline field, specifically public utilities. The...

Water and Wastewater Control Engineering
Over 5,500 Words and phrases used in water and wastewater control engineering are defined. The major areas covered in the glossary include: Sewage control, water pollution and water pollution...

Groundwater Contamination by Chlorinated Hydrocarbons: Causes and Prevention
Groundwater contamination by chlorinated hydrocarbons is becoming a major problem to public water suppliers and private homeowners who have their own wells. The chemical background, composition...

1981 Clean Air Act Amendments: A Call for Rhyme and Reason
The state of the nation's clean air legislation is reviewed and found lacking common sense; changes to the law are recommended. Significant improvements in air quality for...





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