Cumulative Damage of Structures
Structural response records may be analyzed to estimate relative motions of civil engineering structures. Several methods are available for the estimation of cumulative damage on the basis...

Reliability-oriented Design of Fatigue Experiments
It is well known in the reliability analysis for structural components subjected to cyclic random load that apart from the usually model parameters uncertainties are most important and...

Modeling Errors in Fatigue Crack Growth Laws
Using the fracture mechanics approach to fatigue it is possible to update estimates of a structure's reliability against fatigue failure given new information on the state...

Reliability Revision for Structures in Service
Models of structural reliability are called upon to provide not only initial estimates of safety, but also revised estimates reflecting new information on the structure as it becomes available....

Fracture-Mechanics-Based Fatigue Life Estimate
Fatigue lives of tee-shaped weldments are estimated using fracture mechanics concepts and crack growth rate data. Fracture mechanics is used to develop an approximate expression for stress...

Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Rail Steels
As new premium alloy rail steels exhibit increased wear resistance and as track lubrication is used, the failure mode for rails is shifting from wear to fatigue. Elastodynamic finite element...

Aluminum Orthotropic Bridge Deck Verification
This paper reports tests conducted to evaluate an aluminum orthotropic deck. Approximately 60 welded T-joints with 6061-T6 stems and 5456-H321 plate were subjected to flexural fatigue...

Fatigue Design Criteria for Welded Steel Details
A review of fatigue data and reassessment of the 1983 fatigue specification resistance functions has been conducted. Since the AASHTO specification fatigue resistance provisions were introduced...

A Fatigue Study of Prestressing Strand
Strand fatigue data reported in the literature and also from recent tests were combined to form a data base of strand fatigue data which was analyzed using regression analysis techniques....

Fatigue Strength of Welded Wire Fabric
Long life fatigue tests were made on 12 concrete slabs reinforced with large diameter, Grade 75, deformed welded wire fabric. The specimens simulated, to full scale, conditions in a bare...

Axial Fatigue Model for Wire Rope Strand
A numerical fatigue model for cables and rope strand subjected to fluctuating axial tension has been developed. This model determines the maximum wire nominal and Hertz contact stresses,...

Base Isolation for Reinforced Concrete Structures
A recent experimental program has been carried out at the Earthquake Simulator Laboratory of the Earthquake Engineering Research Center in which a 1/5th scale reinforced concrete structural...

Thin Precast Fiber Reinforced Cement Panels
This paper provides an overview of some current applications, manufacturing methods, and physical properties of thin fiber reinforced cement board products currently produced. Many of...

Polymer Concrete for Structural Applications
Polymer concrete (PC) has been used extensively in the United States primarily as a repair material for portland cement concrete. The excellent flexural and compressive strength durability...

Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, What is in Them for the Structural Engineer?
The paper summarizes the effect of admixtures on the economy in construction of concrete structures, on their strength, and on their durability under a variety of service conditions. As...

High Strength Concrete - A New Material
In this paper, the material properties and structural member behavior of normal and high-strength concretes are summarized. The current ACI code recommendations are based on results of...

Structural Considerations of Cellular Concrete
Although not normally considered to be a structural material, cellular concrete possesses characteristics which may result in its having structural applications in building and structural...

Concrete Shell Design for Membrane Stress
A methodology is presented which covers the design of reinforced concrete shells for membrane stress. The methodology follows the strength design method of the ACI 318-83 Building Code...

Large Reinforced Concrete Active Reclaim Silos
The design and construction of large reinforced concrete shell silos used to provide economical short-term protected storage for coal and lignite in the active reclaim systems of power...

Ultimate Membrane Strength of R/C Shell Elements
The ultimate strength of reinforced concrete shell elements is governed by the yielding of steel and/or the compressive strength of concrete. Depending on which of these two conditions...





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