Laboratory Evaluation of Footings for Lunar Telescopes
Presented here are the results of laboratory experiments with different footing shapes for lunar telescopes. These experiments used a variety of soils including some to simulate regolith...

Systems Integration of Lunar Campsite Vehicles
This paper describes the configuration design and subsystems integration resolution for lunar Campsite vehicles and the crew vehicles (CVs) which support them. Briefly stated, this concept...

Spaceborne Construction and Operations Planning: Decision Rules for Selecting EVA, Telerobot, and Combined Work-Systems
The development and implementation of Lunar and Mars Missions will require integration of numerous architectures for both on-orbit and planetary surface engineering and construction. These...

Plot-scale Field Experiment of Surface Hydrologic Processes with EOS Implications
Plot-scale hydrologic field studies were initiated at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center to a) investigate the spatial and temporal variability of surface and subsurface hydrologic processes,...

Geographical Information System (GIS) Technology in Global Environmental Evaluation?An Overview
The Land Analysis Team at the Construction Engineering Laboratory is enhancing the GRASS software package to deal with global environmental questions. CERL has implemented the basic software,...

Space Exposed Experiment Developed for Students
Space Exposed Experiment Developed for Students (SEEDS), a cooperative endeavor of NASA Headquarters, the NASA Langley Research Center, and the George W. Park Seed Company, resulted in...

Soft Touch People Mover Central Control
The people mover central control systems perform many automatic functions, are built with off-the-shelf redundant hardware, include advanced color graphics and touch screen operator interfaces,...

Traffic Data Collection: What Really Needs to be Done?
The collection of 'existing' traffic data such as the 24-hour counts, turning movement counts, driveway volumes, and vehicle classification counts near the proposed project site becomes...

A Guideline for Determining Minimum Threshold Requiring Traffic Impact Studies
Over the years, a number of localities have developed and adopted some form of traffic impact assessment (TIA) guidelines. As part of this study, an informal survey conducted showed that...

The Foundation for a Successful Traffic Impact Analysis
Both governmental agencies and private developers use the information developed in a traffic impact analysis (TIA).Traffic Impact Studies can be an important tool in efforts to maintain...

Analyzing Fast-Food Drive-Up Window Site Impacts
Peak-period queueing at a fast-food restaurant drive-up window was observed. The study found that queueing behavior equations based on random arrivals and service times overestimated the...

Comparison of Delay and ICU Analyses?Case Study
Traffic Management Initiative was a petition-based referendum that sought to limit traffic impacts of proposed or planned development through the use of more stringent transportation planning...

ICU?A Method of Analyzing Signalized Intersections
There is a need for decision makers, developers and the public to understand the potential traffic impacts of site development. Signalized intersection operations are a primary indicator...

Trends in Published ITE Trip Generation Rates
Since 1976...

Hotel-Casino Trip Generation Analysis Using GIS
Trip rates and models for developments such as resorts and major hotels are commonly based on a single explanatory factor or an activity unit such as floor area, number of employees, number...

Site Impact Analysis Using the Tranplan Computer Model
As the cost of infrastructure improvements continue to spiral upward local and state governments are finding it more difficult to provide for increases in traffic volumes due to growth...

Traffic Impact Study for a Regional Shopping Center at a Basque City. A European View
A 45,000 m2 GLA Regional Shopping Center has been designed in close proximity to a thruway diamond interchange. Peak-hour generation was estimated and detailed analyses were performed...

Network Model Analysis of Traffic Patterns Resulting from a Proposed Regional Mall
A comparison was made between two methods of traffic impact analysis of a proposed regional shopping mall in Keene, New Hampshire. One study was prepared for the developer using conventional...

Arizona's Uniform Traffic Impact Procedures
This paper discusses the development of policies and detailed uniform guidelines for traffic impact analysis of proposed developments along Arizona State highways. The paper addresses:...

Traffic Impact Analysis Standardization?The Orange County, California Experience
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) procedures can vary significantly from one agency to another. In Orange County, many cities and the county have adopted their own specialized techniques and...





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