Salt Transport in a Tidal Canal, West Neck Creek, Virginia
Flow and stability were monitored during 1989-92 in West Neck Creek, Virginia, which provides a direct hydraulic connection between the saline waters of Chesapeake Bay and the relatively...

A Simple and Reliable Method For Analysis of Water Supply Distribution
The proposed analysis, may be regarded as a bridge between the practical sample analysis and the optimization model development. From the analysis and observation of water distribution...

Friction Loss Equations for Hydropower Facilities
Many water suppliers are pursuing economic benefits from water supply and distribution systems through development of hydropower facilities on pipelines. Excessive pressure head that used...

Development of Enhanced Tools for the Integrated Analysis of Reservoir and Power System Operations
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have initiated a collaborative project - the INTEGRAL Project - to develop improved tools for coordinating...

Prediction of Gravel Transport Using Parker's Algorithm
This paper demonstrates that sediment discharge in gravel streams can be reasonably estimated by calibrating the Parker and Klingeman procedure. This paper also identifies the need for...

Advanced HEC-2 Modeling on Forester Creek
The goal of this paper is to share information regarding advanced modelling techniques used to solve complex hydraulic flow issues using the HEC-2 Computer Model (1990). There are several...

A Numerical Model for Learning Concepts of Streamflow Simulation
Numerical models are useful for demonstrating principles of open-channel flow. Such models can allow experimentation with cause-and-effect relations, testing concepts of physics and numerical...

An Optimization Approach to River Adjustments
The adjustment of alluvial channels is presented here as a non-linear optimization problem in which the ideal channel will tend to adopt an optimum configuration subject to the imposed...

Sediment Deposition in Jennings Randolph Reservoir, Maryland and West Virginia
The watershed of the Jennings Randolph Reservoir covers 263 square miles of mountainous terrain in western Maryland and West Virginia. Sedimentation studies performed prior to impoundment...

Laboratory Study of the Characteristics of Shallow Open Channel Flow Using Fiber-optic Laser Doppler Velocimetry
An experimental study was proposed to investigate the characteristics of shallow rain-impacted flow using a recirculating flume and an artificial rainfall simulator. The fibre-optic Laser...

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler for Inlet Current Measurements
A BroadBand Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (BroadBand ADCP) was used to survey tidal currents at Shinnecock and Moriches Inlets, Long Island, NY. Measurements were made remotely form...

Turbulent Velocity Flutuations in Natural Rivers
The longitudinal and transverse components of flow velocity, as well as the normal and tangential stresses, must be expected to fluctuate with time and space when flow at a high Reynolds...

Confirmation of Seismic Safety at Stafford Dam
A critical aspect of the North Marin Water District's mission to maintain reliable water supply facilities and water service is periodic assessment and re-evaluation of the seismic safety...

An Improved Method for Measuring System Performance of Hydraulic Infrastructure Systems
Due to the public awareness of the importance of functioning of hydraulic infrastructure systems and the serious consequences caused by their failure, many researches were undertaken to...

Bri-Stars Model for Alluvial River Simulation
The Bridge StreamTube Model for Alluvial River Simulation (BRI-STARS) is a semi-two-dimensional model capable of computing alluvial scour/deposition through subcritical, supercritical,...

Practical Comparison of One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Analyses for Bridge Scour
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Department of Highways is working with the Indiana Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration to plan, design, and construct...

Model Study of Local Scour Downstream Bridge Piers
A deep scour hole downstream of a large circular pier has been developed at Imbaba bridge, which is considered one of the major bridges across the Nile River in Cairo, Egypt. At that location...

Selecting Sediment Transport Equation for Scour Simulation at Bridge Crossing
Gravel transport formulas were tested in order to select a formula for simulating stream channel changes of Stony Creek in northern California. At a stream reach undergoing scour, the...

Prediction of Occurrence and Runoff Analysis of Debris Flow
A debris flow will occur on a slope when the rainfall exceeds a certain value determined by the hydraulic, geological and topographic properties of the slope. To estimate this critical...

Integration of Environmental Management with Reservoir and Power System Operations
Two examples related to the Tennessee Valley Authority's reservoir and power systems operation with environmental performance and management as major goals are given in this paper. One...





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