Argentina: Advances on Coastal Management
This paper updates the description and analysis of coastal management strategies and institutional arrangements as practiced in Argentina at national, provincial and municipal levels....

Evolution and Dynamics of the Chilka Lake
The Chilka Lake, the largest coastal lagoon in Asia, has occupied a possible tectonic depression along the east coast of India. Although the open sea coast was along the western margin...

Planning and Implementation for Sustainable Management of Negombo Lagoon, Sri Lanka
The author narrates how an organized, poor and relatively marginalized set of coastal communities in Sri Lanka have, by collaborating with state agencies and establishing informed dialogue,...

Coastal Planning in British Columbia: Problems and Solutions
British Columbia is the most western Canadian province encompassing 27,000 km of deeply incised coastline and myriad islands and waterways. The mix of varied and often conflicting uses...

CANUSLANT?An Evolving-Marine Pollution Contingency Plan
The progress of CANUSLANT exercises to data is addressed in this paper. This exercise model can be used to initiate or improve Marine Pollution Contingency planning....

Meeting Information and Communication Needs in Regional Coastal Zone Management: Case Studies from the Great Lakes
Recent initiatives in regional coastal management within the Ontario Great Lakes basin, such as the preparation of Shoreline Management Plans by Ontario Conservation Authorities, background...

The Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta: A Review
The Changjiang river delta is the best studied one in China in terms of hydrology, sedimentology and evolution history. The construction of Pudong New Area in Shanghai in the 1990s has...

Humid Tropical Zone Deltas, Their Potential and Limitations for Development: Examples from Java, Indonesia
Monsoonal rivers on Java are responsible for the rapid growth and development of river deltas along the north coast of the island. The climatic and local environmental conditions in these...

Commercial Fisheries and Water Dependent Recreations: Conflict and Cooperation
The present status and the regimes of commercial fisheries and water dependent recreations in Japan mainly focused on sport fishing, and the recent development of coordination schemes...

A Study on Local Residents' Evaluation of Residential Waterfront Area
In the present study, a questionnaire survey was conducted in 9 cities in Japan to investigate the utilization perception and utilization of local residents to neighborhood waterfront...

Development of Offshore Breakwaters for the Marine Multipurpose Zone Project
Under these circumstances, the ministry of construction of Japan has launched the marine multipurpose zone (MMZ) project,and is promoting the effective use of seashores facing the open...

Women's Perspectives on Fishing Port Improvement
This research analyses the roles of women in fishing, and attempts to identify current inadequacies in fishing port and village development as related to women's lifestyles. Suggestions...

Environment for Tourism Promotion in Fishing Ports and Villages
To encourage healthy tourism, fishing ports and villages must offer an attractive and pleasant environment, In addition, areas must be provided where visitors can interact with local residents....

A Study of the Water Environment Improvement about Fishing Villages
In recent years water pollution has become a serious problem in anchorage and other sea areas, as a result of residential waste water from hinterland fishing communities of fishing ports,...

A Study on Fishing Port Structures in Harmony with Fishery Environment
We have reported on the concept of environmentally productive fishing port structures along the coastline of Japan ('91 LONGBEACH). In this paper we present a field model experiment on...

Quantitative Assessment of Marine Traffic Environment by Using the Maneuvering Space Concept
In a coastal zone, it frequently becomes important to assess the influence of the constructions upon the marine traffic environment. Marine traffic is a man-machine system, and so not...

Ecolocy-Conscious Submerged Breakwater
A submerged breakwater makes incident rough waves small when their heights exceed a certain level on the site, though the other waves lower than the level are not so much affected by the...

Systems for Control of Environmental Conditions in Regional Marine Ecosystem?A Fundamental Study
This study is being executed as a part of the consolidated research carried out by Nihon University. The study is being developed basically by two main research groups; the first group...

Aiming at Port and Harbour Technology Mild to Human Beings and the Earth
The ports and harbors bureau of the ministry of transport formulated and announced a long-term port and harbor development policy, ports and harbors toward the twenty-first century aiming...

Temporal Variation of Precipitation Trend at Seoul, Korea, 1771-1991
This paper describes temporal variation of annual precipitation trend from 1771 to 1991 at Seoul, Korea. Analysis of the series shows no distinct trend over years. A linear trend would...





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