Indemnification Costs in the Dam Safety Decision
The ASCE Task Committee on Spillway Design Floods has proposed safety criteria for three categories of dams. Category 1 dams are those with anticipated failure consequences so large and...
Effects of Data Extension on Drought Probabilities
A condensed-parameter disaggregation model was applied to the monthly streamflow records on two rivers in Idaho, to investigate the occurrence and probabilities of drought periods. Using...
The GEV Distribution in Drought Frequency Analysis
Three decades have passed since A. F. Jenkinson found the general solution to the Stability Postulate, which is the condition that all the extremes must meet, and after him that solution...
Estimating Low-Flow Frequencies of Ungaged Streams in New England
Equations to estimate low flows were developed using multiple-regression analysis with a sample of 48 river basins, which were selected from the U. S. Geological Survey's...
Deriving Streamflow Distribution Probabilities
Streamflow distribution probabilities are often involved in the stochastic analysis of water resources systems. Limited by data availability, certain probability terms can hardly be abstracted...
Hydrologic Runoff Modeling of Small Watersheds: The Tinflow Model
TINFLOW is a PC-based Geographic Information System (GIS) that utilizes the Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) and associated data structures, together with a deterministic, finite difference...
Geographic Estimation of Runoff-Model Parameters
The U. S. Geological Survey is developing techniques to estimate and evaluate unit-hydrograph and loss-rate parameter values for rainfall-runoff models using Geographic Information System...
A Flood Prediction Geographic Information System
The paper discusses a GIS that derives kinematic wave model parameters using stream network, elevation, and basin boundary data. Various approaches are being investigated for estimating...
Modeling Support for Stormwater Management
An innovative 'digitization' procedure has been developed and successfully utilized to accurately and economically prepare and manage the extensive amount of...
Muskingum Flow Routing Using Personal Computers
The paper discusses how tedious computations involved in flow routing can be easily implemented on Personal Computers. Parameter estimation and routing calculations for both linear and...
A Filtering Approach to Flood Routing
Hydrologic river routing and hydraulic channel routing are in general use for flood routing. Both approaches use deterministic mathematical models and treat inflow and outflow hydrographs...
Utility Programs for DWOPER and DAMBRK
Time and computer resources greatly limit potential investigations and sensitivity anslyses. In order to facilitate modeling with the National Weather Service (NWS) programs DWOPER (Operational...
A Hybrid Model for Storage Routing Through Rock Dumps
Construction of permeable structures across stream channels results in temporary impoundment of flood waters upstream of such structures. This happens because the hydraulic conveyance...
Safety Design Flood for Too Wide Creek Dam
This paper presents an example application of the procedure developed by the ASCE Task Committee on Spillway Design Floods for a dam on the Too Wide Creek. The example was developed from...
Analysis of Drought Indicators
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources currently monitors five parameters in its regional water supply management program. These are: (1) accumulated precipitation deficit;...
Drought Analysis in the Ohio River Basin
This study formulates the drought series, including drought occurrence time, duration, and deficit volume by the use of daily streamflows and a tracer level of one-half mean value. The...
Mapping of Drought Status in South Florida
The Water Management District (the District) sets regulations to guide water users in conservation of water use in four phases of drought severity. The District's Governing Board is responsible...
Southeastern Drought of 1986 - Lessons Learned
An interim drought management plan for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (A-C-F) river basin was completed in April, 1985, just in time for testing as the drought developed. Objectives...
Results of a Regional Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Study
Selected results of a regional synthetic unit hydrograph study are presented. Using the gamma function to approximate the SCS curvilinear unit hydrograph, peak rate factors were determined...
Development, Use, and Synthesis of S-Graphs
A study to identify S-graphs from the southwestern United States has been completed. This study has resulted in the compliation of 53 S-graphs, documentation of some of the watershed characteristics,...
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