Flood Operation Studies of the Valdesia Reservoir System in the Dominican Republic
The Valdesia reservoir system, located on the Nizao River in the Dominican Republic, is designed to provide irrigation water to the Nizao project areas and hydroelectric energy to the...

A Probabilistic Method for Determination of the Required Capacity of Reservoirs
Evaluation of water supply potential of multi-purpose dams generally involves determination of the required capacity of reservoirs for new dams and analysis of safe yield or reliable yield...

Flood Forecasting Using Local Resources
A dynamic wave flood routing computer program has been used to develop a flood forecasting model for a 5000 mi**2 watershed in lower Michigan. The modeled area covers over 200 miles of...

Flood Forecasting with Minimal Data
The Corps of Engineers' HEC-1 program has been used with a specialized pre-processor program to provide interim emergency flood forecasting for a 4000 sq mi (10,360 sq km) watershed in...

Real-Time Hydrologic Modeling
The Huntington District of the Corps of Engineers is currently using daily computer modeling for guidance in regulating all nine of its major river basins. Both pool elevation and flow...

Heppner, Oregon Flood Warning System: An Interagency Cooperative Effort
The flood warning system is a network of event-actuated precipitation and river level gages in two flash flood prone drainage basins of 44 and 6. 8 square mile areas. These basins enter...

Minimizing the Impact of Salinity Intrusion Due to Sea Level Rise
A rise in sea level will cause saline water to intrude up estuaries including those adjacent to aquifers with major pumping centers. During a drought a significant amount of saline estuary...

Transport Model for Aquifer Reclamation Management
A contaminant transport model which is specifically designed for management applications is developed. A key feature is the transient velocity field needed in the solution of the advection-dispersion...

Modeling Coal Pile Leachate - A Case Study
Ground water transport of coal leachate from an existing unlined coal storage pile was modeled using the USGS 'Computer Model of Two-Dimensional Solute Transport and Dispersion...

Groundwater Quality Modeling at Redlands/Crafton Area
Organic groundwater contamination exists in the Redlands area of the Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin which is of major concern to the health and water agencies in the region. The contaminants...

Improved SWMM Applications for Stormwater Management Master Plans: A Case Study of Virginia Beach, Virginia
A case study of a recent master plan for a 16. 5 sq mi watershed in Virginia Beach, Virginia is presented to illustrate stormwater master planning approaches. The analysis showed that...

An Application of EPA EXTRAN Model to a Flood Management Study in South Florida
In performing the flood management studies, somewhat unique concerns in South Florida are the backwater conditions due to tidal or non-tidal tailwater, flow reversals from project canal...

Shoal Creek Flood Control Plan Austin, Texas
Following the devastating 1981 Memorial Day flood, a comprehensive and innovative flood control plan was developed and implemented for Austin's Shoal Creek Watershed. The...

Multi-purpose Stormwater Detention Facility Completed as First Phase of Englewood, Colorado, Flood Control Project
In 1980 the City of Englewood Urban Renewal Authority proceeded with planning for flood control improvements along Little Dry Creek. The selected plan includes capacity improvements for...

Multiple Parameter Rule Curve for Reservoir Operations
A procedure for deriving operations rules for water supply storage in a multipurpose reservoir, based on physical principles and data analysis, is described. This procedure has several...

A Riverflow-Water Quality Control Model
In order to implement how regulated riverflow (control variable) impacts the salinity (output variable) under a tidal dynamic environment, a multiple input control system is developed....

A Real-Time Flood Management Model for River-Reservoir Systems
A flood forecasting model has been developed for the Lower Colorado River Authority that can be used in a real-time framework to make decisions on reservoir operations during flooding....

ESOLIN: A Model to Optimize Water Resource Systems
ESOLIN is a simulation model designed to study and optimize the development and operation of large hydro resource schemes. It was developed as a tool for the development of large hydro...

Overview--Committee Report on Dam Safety Guidelines
In November 1984 the Surface Water Hydrology Committee appointed a task committee with the assignment to suggest standards for the hydrologic safety design of dams. The committee report...

Criteria for Spillway Design Floods
The procedures outlined in this paper only address the hydrologic safety criteria for spillway design floods. The recommended procedures are based on a careful identification of the social,...





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