Urban Stormwater Drainage Design by Modified ILLUDAS
The Illinois Urban Drainage Area Simulator (ILLUDAS) has been extended for continuous simulation by considering dry periods between storms. The model accepts predetermined hydrographs...

A Practical Hydrologic Model for Urban Watersheds
A typical problem in watershed management is determining the peak discharge and runoff volume for numerous and combined watersheds. The methods available to solve this problem are often...

Design of Seepage Fields for Stormwater Disposal
Stricker Pond is a shallow twenty-acre kettle hole pond in south-central Wisconsin. The pond receives runoff from a closed watershed that is rapidly undergoing low density residential...

Localized Effects of Subsidence on Flooding in a Small Urban Watershed
Extensive pumpage of groundwater in the Houston, Texas, metropolitan area in the last century has caused compaction of the clay layers in the local aquifers with resulting widespread land...

Maximizing Utility of Interfaces for Hydrologic Models
From the time a watershed layout has been determined, there is sufficient information for a computer to generate a command sequence for hydrologic simulation. Recognizing this fact, an...

An Urban Hydrology Model for the Personal Computer
The use of personal computers to evaluate the effects of urbanization on the hydraulic response characteristics of a watershed is discussed in this paper. Specifically, the use of a group...

Site Hydrology and Basin Design Using Spreadsheets
The Soil Cover Complex Method which was developed by the Soil Conservation Service is a commonly accepted method of evaluating site hydrology. The solution of this method is facilitated...

Micro-Illudas for Urban Drainage Design
The Illinois Urban Drainage Area Simulator (ILLUDAS) was developed at the Illinois State Water Survey in 1969 and has been available for use on mainframe computers since 1974. An enhanced...

HEC-1 and HEC-2 Applications on the Microcomputer
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) has developed versions of the HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package and the HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles programs for MS/PC-DOS compatible microcomputers...

Theory for Development of the TR-55 Tabular Hydrograph Method
Technical Release No. 55 (TR-55), 'Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds,' was originally developed by the United States Soil Conservation Service (SCS) in the...

TR-55 Microcomputer Implementation
Microcomputer software is now available which implements the Soil Conservation Service's recently revised 'Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds',...

Interagency Standards for Automated Local Flood Warning Systems
The need exists for establishing guidelines and standards for aspects of local flood warning systems. The demand for increased flood warning systems is expected to increase due to the...

Feasibility Studies of Flood Warning-Response Plans
Local flood warning-emergency preparedness plans consist of hardware, technical activities, and formal and informal inter- and intra-organizational arrangements and commitments to performance...

Optimal Flood Warning and Preparedness Plans
This paper includes a framework for selecting the optimal investment in warning and preparedness activity. The primary factors which might influence the magnitude of cost and damage are...

Role of Surficial Aquifer in Barrier Island Streamflow Generation
Monitoring results are presented for an experimental watershed located on a South Carolina barrier island. Rainfall, streamflow and well data indicate streamflow occurs due to interaction...

A Linked Stream-Aquifer System Model
A linked stream-aquifer system (LISAS) model is described. This model includes a deterministic sequential flow simulation component which generates hydrographs of surface runoff and deep...

Seepage/Drainage Investigation Colusa County California
High groundwater in the late winter months saturates the soil profile, causing damage to both crops and soil. Sustained water logging severely damages or destroys orchards. It has generally...

Evaluation of Surface-Water - Ground-Water Interaction Coefficients in Water-Resources Planning Model
A water-resources planning model formulated as a mixed-integer program is used to screen and sequence proposed projects such that the present cost of meeting future water demands is minimized....

An Analytically Derived Distribution Function for Flood Volume
A general stochastic model is proposed to determine analytically the distribution function for flood volume. A flood event in this study is defined as an unbroken sequence of consecutive...

On the Choice Between Annual Flood Series and Peaks Over Threshold Series in Flood Frequency Analysis
Statistical techniques are often used to estimate extreme flood events for the design of a flood-control structure or for any other flood-related purpose. Two kinds of models are commonly...





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