The Inflatable Weir and Its Widespread Employment for Irrigation in Japan
Although introduced in the U. S. in the 1950's for groundwater recharging, the inflatable weir has become established only in Japan, in which case it is used almost entirely...
Investigation of Main Supply Canal and Lateral Fluctuations
The Imperial Irrigation District and the U. S. Water Conservation Laboratory of Phoenix, Arizona are conducting a joint project to study the causes and effects of water level fluctuations...
Rating Curves for Adjustable Tricklers
This paper presents the approach and results of evaluating adjustable drip/trickle emitters to obtain rating curves. The emitter discharge depends on both system pressure and emitter opening...
Subsurface Drains Solve Groundwater Rise Problems
Four sub-surface drainage alternates were evaluated for lowering the rising water table. Horizontal gravity drainage system offered the best solution to the problem. Disposal of drained...
Runoff Model for Watersheds of Nonhomogeneous Characteristics
A watershed of any configuration, topography, and spatial distribution of cover, soil and channel characteristics is described as a plannar grid. Time-varying precipitation is applied...
Establishing a Monitoring Program for Formulating Water Quality Objectives in a Transboundary Reach
A systematic approach to the establishment of a monitoring program for formulating water quality objectives in the Similkameen River should include the following interactive steps: 1)...
Spread Sheets for Irrigation and Drainage Projects
Land use planners as well as planners from other disciplines use overlays for site analysis but these are usually a qualitative display. Recently the advent of spread sheets coupled with...
Prognostics of Water Management in Agriculture
This paper discusses principles of methodology and application of agricultural water management prognostics. Included are irrigation and drainage prognostics in Hungary and concrete economic...
Water Supply Forecasting and Irrigation Demand
The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Snow Survey Program makes periodic seasonal streamflow forecasts at over 500 major points in the western states. These forecasts are the basis for making...
An Integrated Rehabilitation Procedure for Gravity Systems
Demands for an improved system combined with a more adjusted management mode are common in many projects where limited or strained budgets do not allow for a regular and secure water supply....
Managing Water Resources Using Geographic Information Systems as a Tool
The Oregon Water Resources Department is designing and using a geographic information system (GIS) to manage water rights. The system allows automation of many tasks including: production...
Crop Yield Models Adapted to Irrigation Scheduling Programs
A crop yield model (CRPSM) was adapted to match the data obtained with typical irrigation scheduling programs. Daily soil water content was calculated from weather data, crop growth stage...
Water Resources Planning Information Available from CFS
Public officials, natural resource management agencies, research scientists, reservoir operators, and agricultural interests in the western U. S. now have access to several major automated...
Water Table and Salinity Movement in a Silty Clay Soil
The movement of the water table and profile salinity in a shallow drained soil in permanent pasture overlying an artesian aquifer was observed. Soil samples were taken before and after...
Modeling Branching Irrigation Canal Networks
A mathematical model of branching canal network has been developed based on solving the integrated form of Saint Venant equations which describing steady and unsteady, uniform and non-uniform...
Surge Flow?Automation of Surface Irrigation?At Last
The studies which led to the development of Surge Flow at Utah State University, began as an effort to automate surface irrigation systems. The first prototype models, were electric control...
California's Dam Safety Program?The Development of Hydrology for Dams (
California's water code provides for supervision of dams and reservoirs with regard to protection of life and property. This code is administered by the Department of Water...
Operation of Glen Canyon Dam during 1983 and 1984 and the Repairs of Glen Canyon Spillways (
The gates at Glen Canyon Dam were closed in the spring of 1963 and the reservoir did not fill until the summer of 1980. The spillways were tested in 1980 with only slight evidence of operational...
Laboratory and Field Determined Seepage (
In order to obtain quick and reliable estimates of seepage, an attempt was made to establish a relationship between one or more of the properties of concrete canal lining and seepage....
Irrigation with Reclaimed Wastewater?Recent Trends
Land application of municipal wastewater is a well established practice in California. Much of the reclaimed municipal wastewater (57%) in California is used for irrigation of fodder,...
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