Historical Shoreline Position Change for the Mainland Beach in Harrison County, Mississippi
Historical shoreline position change (1851/52 to 1986) associated with the mainland beach in Harrison County, Mississippi, are controlled by engineering activities associated with beach...

The Coast in Japanese Literature
As an island nation, Japan has a long coastline and is surrounded on all sides by the sea. These geographic characteristics have been reflected in many forms in Japanese culture. In this...

The Dredging Research Program of the US Army Corps of Engineers
The Corps of Engineers Dredging Research Program (DRP) was established in Fiscal Year 1988 as a seven-year program with the objective of developing products that reduce the cost of dredging...

An Advanced Photogrammetric System as a Metric Information Collection Tool in Coastal Management
The advanced photogrammetric information collection system described in this paper consists of two subsystems: the data acquisition or the photographic subsystem, and the date mensuration...

Wetland Assessment and Management Using a GIS Approach
Bloodsworth Island, in the Chesapeake Bay, is an important waterfowl and waterbird habitat comprising a large area of wetlands and one small upland ridge. it is experiencing rapid, but...

TM Bands' Remote Measure Test for Seawater's Multi-factors?First Step Research on Remote Sensing for Bay's Self-Purificability
Marine Remote Sensing is different from Land Remote Sensing in someways, one of which is that ocean is a 3-d fluid with large changes in time and space. So the field sampling in sea-water,...

An Examination of Created Marsh and Seagrass Utilization by Living Marine Resources
It is evident that the time scale required for equivalent functioning of created marsh, seagrass and oyster habitats in terms of LMR utilization is on the scale of years. Even after two...

The Development of Fishery Habitat Value in Created Salt Marshes
This Coastal Ocean Program project was designed to examine the functional developmental rate of ten created marshes ranging in age from 3 or 15 years in the Galveston Bay system of Texas....

Ocean Management Under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act: Sanctuaries, Dumping and Development
This paper examines the terms of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (MPRSA), 3 its legislative history, and its implementation by NOAA and EPA, and concludes...

A Comparative Analysis of Multiple-Use Coastal and Ocean Management Techniques in Marine Protected Areas
Many coastal and ocean areas worldwide have been designated for protection and management through the establishment of national, regional, or international marine protected areas(MPAs)....

Conservation Practices Physical Effects Evaluated in Formulating Conservation Management Systems
The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) is responsible for providing national leadership and administration of Federal programs to conserve soil, water, and related resources on private lands...

Case Studies of Ocean Outfall Inspections?San Francisco and Seattle
Discharge of effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants via outfalls into the nearshore ocean environment is a common means for disposal of waste and street water runoff coastal...

Evaluation of Plants for Coastal Dune Stabilization
The dune stabilization system used in the Phoenix Condominiums project can be used to enhance dunes all along the Atlantic and Gulf Coast. The plants and technology are available, which...

Management and Engineering at Araruama Lagoon, Brazil
Contrary to generalized expectations, the shores of Araruama Lagoon turned out to be abundant of examples of morphological changes, primarily due to disregard of basic coastal engineering...

Evaluation of Airborne Video Imagery for Distinguishing Intertidal Oyster Reefs
We evaluated the effectiveness of airborne video imagery in distinguishing and mapping oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reefs in Aransas Bay on the southern Texas gulf coast. Imagery obtained...

Protecting Special Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean: Implementing the 1990 Kingston Protocol
This paper outlines the development of the Kingston Protocol on Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife to the 1983 Cartagena Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine...

The Regional Scale of Integrated Coastal Area Management. The State of Conceptual Frameworks
The implementation of Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM), as has emerged from the scientific materials of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED, Rio...

Institutional Cosiderations for the Integrated Coastal Zone Management of Belize
The ultimate goal of Belize's integrated coastal zone management plan is the achievement of the sustainable and diversified utilization of the coastal complex while preserving critical...

Physical Modeling of Barbers Point Harbor
Physical modeling is a practical tool in the design of coastal projects. A physical model of Barbers Point Harbor located on the island of Oahu, Hawaii was constructed so that different...

DUNEBASE?Information Management System
DUNEBASE - an information management system designed to facilitate access to, and use of, large text information banks and data bases on geomorphology, human use, and vegetation of the...





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