Particle Interaction and Stability of Suspended Solids
The physics of particle interaction, which is responsible for the problem of the apparent tardy settling of suspended solids in tailings discharge slurries containing initially low concentrations...

Efficiency of Capping Contaminated Dredged Material
The ability of capping with sand to chemically and biologically isolate contaminated dredged material was investigated using large scale (250 l) laboratory reactor units. Tissue analyses...

Placing of Impermeable Underwater Membranes
An impermeable underwater membrane has been applied successfully in the construction of a lowered road section in the Netherlands. In this paper the construction technique is discussed...

Impacts of an Overboard Disposal Operation
The objective of this study was to establish an acceptable dredge disposal site which would be physically and environmentally suitable for periodic use over the 50-year project life of...

Plant Bioassay of Contaminated Dredged Material
Contaminant mobility from a contaminated saltwater sediment placed in flooded and upland disposal conditions was studied in the greenhouse. Spartina alterniflora was grown in contaminated...

Management Strategy for Disposal of Dredged Material
The diversity of disposal alternatives and techniques for management of contaminated dredged material requires the development of an overall management strategy for disposal. The selection...

REMOTS Sediment Profiling at the Field Verification Program
Disposal of uncapped highly polluted Black Rock Harbor muds took place in April-May 1983 at a buoy located within the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Area in 62-66 feet of water. Baseline...

Marsh Creation Impacts - Mississippi River Delta
Significant conversion of marsh to open water is occurring in the Mississippi River Delta. Evidence is presented that marsh is more valuable to fish and wildlife resources than open water;...

Toxic Contaminant Uptake in Dredged Sediment Marshes
Dredged sediments from the proposed enlargement of the Lower Mississippi River from Venice, Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico would be primarily utilized to create up to 28,000 hectares...

Confined Disposal in the Canadian Great Lakes
The dredging activities of Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, extend over most of the Canadian Great Lakes thereby significantly impacting on its environment. The paper presents a brief...

Surface Runoff Water Quality from Contaminated Dredged Material Placed Upland
Bioassay and associated tests have been developed and are being refined to assist in the evaluation of the environmental impact of dredged material disposal alternatives. Simulated rainfall-surface...

Evaluating the Water Quality Significance of Dredged Sediments
In the mid-1970s, the Corps of Engineers and the US EPA developed several laboratory evaluation procedures, the elutriate test, bioassay/toxicity tests, and bioconcentration tests, to...

Safe Landfilling of Contaminated Dredging Spoil
This paper deals with the assessment of the expected emissions of toxic substances from highly contaminated harbor dredged material. The material in question arises from the canal between...

Seasonal Restrictions on Bucket Dredging Operations
Seasonal restrictions are sometimes imposed on bucket dredging operations in response to concerns for potential impacts of sediment resuspension on various biological resources. The available...

Design of Monroe Harbor, MI Confined Disposal Facility
Confined disposal of polluted maintenance dredgings in the Great Lakes was authorized due to the 'closed system' nature of the receiving waters. Each harbor judged...

Dredging Guidelines for the Great Lakes
The International Working Group on the Abatement and Control of Pollution from Dredging Activities was established in November 1972 in compliance with the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement....

Design of Confined Disposal Areas for Retention of Contaminants
Dredged material which is unsuitable for disposal in open water due to the presence of contaminants is normally placed in confined disposal areas. The quality of effluent discharged from...

Aquatic Bioassays in Dredged Material Management
Dredged material ranges from gravel and coarse sand to fine silts and clays, and may be free of contaminants or highly contaminated with a variety of chemicals from industrial, municipal,...

Dredging as a Remedial Method for a Superfund Site
Remedial action at the Commencement Bay Nearshore/Tideflats Superfund Site, in the State of Washington, is expected to include dredging and disposal of contaminated sediments located in...

Capped In-Water Disposal of Contaminated Dredged Material
The Seattle District and the Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Vicksburg, Mississippi, are cooperating in a field demonstration study to evaluate the effectiveness...





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