HEC-1 and HEC-2 Applications on the Microcomputer
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) has developed versions of the HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package and the HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles programs for MS/PC-DOS compatible microcomputers...

Theory for Development of the TR-55 Tabular Hydrograph Method
Technical Release No. 55 (TR-55), 'Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds,' was originally developed by the United States Soil Conservation Service (SCS) in the...

Interagency Standards for Automated Local Flood Warning Systems
The need exists for establishing guidelines and standards for aspects of local flood warning systems. The demand for increased flood warning systems is expected to increase due to the...

A Linked Stream-Aquifer System Model
A linked stream-aquifer system (LISAS) model is described. This model includes a deterministic sequential flow simulation component which generates hydrographs of surface runoff and deep...

Evaluation of Surface-Water - Ground-Water Interaction Coefficients in Water-Resources Planning Model
A water-resources planning model formulated as a mixed-integer program is used to screen and sequence proposed projects such that the present cost of meeting future water demands is minimized....

Comparison of Hydrograph Simulation Techniques Used in Structural Design and Watershed Systems Modeling
This paper describes a basin study in which traditional unit hydrograph analysis methods were compared to the E. J. Inman hydrograph technique. Study results indicate that, where suitable...

Overview of a Real-Time Flood Management Model
A flood management model was developed for the operation of the six reservoirs making up the Highland Lakes System on the Colorado River in Texas. The model allows simulation of over 700...

Groundwater Modeling - A Management Tool
A hydrogeologic investigation within the South Mountain Complex of south central Pennsylvania was performed to develop a groundwater management program. Using LandSat imagery, low altitude...

Detention Basin Design Using Continuous Simulation
A continuous simulation model is proposed for use in the design of detention basins. The model accepts standard National Weather Service hourly rainfall data as input. The hourly rainfall...

Transport Model for Aquifer Reclamation Management
A contaminant transport model which is specifically designed for management applications is developed. A key feature is the transient velocity field needed in the solution of the advection-dispersion...

Modeling Coal Pile Leachate - A Case Study
Ground water transport of coal leachate from an existing unlined coal storage pile was modeled using the USGS 'Computer Model of Two-Dimensional Solute Transport and Dispersion...

Groundwater Quality Modeling at Redlands/Crafton Area
Organic groundwater contamination exists in the Redlands area of the Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin which is of major concern to the health and water agencies in the region. The contaminants...

ESOLIN: A Model to Optimize Water Resource Systems
ESOLIN is a simulation model designed to study and optimize the development and operation of large hydro resource schemes. It was developed as a tool for the development of large hydro...

Estimating Low-Flow Frequencies of Ungaged Streams in New England
Equations to estimate low flows were developed using multiple-regression analysis with a sample of 48 river basins, which were selected from the U. S. Geological Survey's...

Modeling Support for Stormwater Management
An innovative 'digitization' procedure has been developed and successfully utilized to accurately and economically prepare and manage the extensive amount of...

Application of the New SCS Time of Concentration Method
The second edition of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) TR-55, published in June 1986, introduces a new method for calculating the time of concentration for storm runoff flowing through...

Some New Snyder Type Coefficients for Small Watersheds
Data collected on the Goodwin Creek watershed has produced a continuous hydrologic record from 37 rain gages and runoff record from 14 runoff stations within a drainage area of 8. 26 sq...

Changing Hydrology - The Middle Mississippi River
Observed daily flow and stage at major stream gages on the middle Mississippi River are numerically and graphically analyzed to quantify and illustrate the magnitude and seasonality of...

The Dallas Floodway Project
This paper explores the history of the Dallas Floodway project, past performance of the project under various flood conditions, recently updated hydrologic and hydraulic evaluations, and...

Optimization of Complex Hydrologic Models Using Random Search Methods
The primary objective of automated calibration of complex conceptual hydrologic simulation models is to find the global optimum of a specified response surface. While direct search techniques...





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