Filing of Construction Photos Linked with Database
In order to raise the added value of construction information, a filing system of construction pictures is built up and is used theoretically linked with a database. Here, conditions set...

GIS Applications in Urban Roadway Management Systems
The urban roadway network is a major component of any municipal infrastructure system. Effective management with systems methodology can greatly increase the service life of these facilities...

Design Information Hierarchy for Construction Method Selection Process
The Construction Project Planning (CPP) stage is a critical stage for the success of a construction project. This stage lays the framework upon which most of the construction decisions...

Optimum Design Software Package for Shortening Civil Engineering Construction Period
The optimum software package for engineering network has adopted a coverage technology to facilitate an analysis of large-sized projects. This package has the following functions: (1)...

Construction Enterprise Management Computer-Aided Diagnosis Technique
Due to the problem existed in the traditional management consulting of construction enterprise, the author has developed the MCAD (Management Computer-aided Diagnosis) technology which...

Quality Control and Constructability of Slabs on Grade With Expert Systems
Constructability and quality control problems associated with the construction of slabs on grade are many. They vary from problems associated with cracking, scaling, dusting and spalling,...

User-Friendly Simulation Model for Traffic Networks with ATIS/ATMS
Implementation of ATIS (Advanced Traffic Information Systems) and/or ATMS (Advanced Traffic Management Systems) are proceeding in many cities around the world, but only very few frameworks...

A Dynamic Mapping Application for an ATIS
A dynamic mapping application for an Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) is described. The application requires tracking maintenance vehicles so that paths can be displayed indicating...

The County Sanitation Districts' Experience in Computerized Solid Waste Management Data
The County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, California (Districts) utilize computers and computerized information for a wide range of applications related to their solid waste...

Landfill Groundwater Monitoring Data Administration
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has promulgated regulations that require the monitoring of groundwater samples at landfill sites. The analytical data resulting from sample...

Design and Construction Support with Object-Oriented Database Kernel Systems
The heterogeneity of tools and their data models in civil engineering is a well known problem. Next generation database technology seeks to offer solutions for the integration of the design...

An OOP Model for Scheduling of Repetitive Projects
Repetitive projects are characterized by the presence of large number of repetitive activities, along with a number of non-repetitive activities. Each of thee two types of activities requires...

Framework for an Automated Quality Control System in Working Drawing Production
CAD use for the planning, design, construction and operation of buildings continues to expand at a rapid pace throughout the industry. While CAD applications include a variety of uses...

Construction and Maintenance Decisions for Multi-Unit Deteriorating Facilities
Facilities that deteriorate over time and use can require maintenance or replacement. Selecting among replacement and maintenance alternatives for large systems of deteriorating facilities...

Benefit-Cost Analysis for Optimal Budget Allocation to Bridges
The funding available for bridge improvements in the United States has been insufficient for many years. The limited budgets granted have generally been allocated based on Sufficiency...

NCHRP Project 12-28(2)A Bridge Management System Software
This paper describes the various features of the bridge management system being developed by NET Corporation as part of a project funded by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program...

Bridge Management System Implementation at CALTRANS
Development of a new generation of Bridge Management System (BMS) capabilities has been a high priority for CALTRANS for the past four years. Although the Department has had a bridge inventory...

On the Usage of AutoCAD as a User-Interface for a Finite-Element-Program
This paper describes the approach used by the author to take AutoCAD as a user-interface for an existing Finite-Element-package. Some principles concerning database management are discussed,...

Technology Framework for Computer Integrated Construction
This paper presents a strategy or overall approach to the integration of the design and construction of facilities. This strategy relies on the use of computers to support the members...

Constraint Management in Distributed AEC Databases
Engineering databases can assist in management of massive amounts of design data involved in Architecture-Engineering and Construction (AEC) process. This data needs to be distributed...





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