Calibration of an Evapotranspiration Model Using Eddy Correlation Methods
An evapotranspiration (ET) prediction model was developed by calibrating the H. L. Penman equation for an alfalfa reference crop in the southwestern Oklahoma region. Evaporative flux for...
Effective Precipitation in Irrigation Design and Management
Effective precipitation is important in irrigation system design and operation. Numerous methods for estimating effective precipitation have been proposed in the past, including direct...
Dormant Season Evapotranspiration in Alfalfa
Weekly values of maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and solar radiation were examined for their effect upon weekly dormant season evapotranspiration (ETdorm) in perennial alfalfa....
Shallow Groundwater Reuse in Alfalfa Irrigation
Two shallow groundwater reuse options in alfalfa irrigation are examined. Alfalfa water use from the water table is investigated using a drainage component model. It is shown that alfalfa...
On-Farm Management Alternatives to Reduce Subsurface Drainage in the San Joaquin Valley, California?Constraints to Implementation
The most cost effective approach for mitigating the drainage problem is incorporating on-farm management practices that reduce percolation and seepage losses to the shallow groundwater...
Subsurface Drainage System for the Klamath Project
The U. S. Bureau of Reclamation's Klamath Project was authorized in 1905 for irrigation purposes. A subsurface drainage system was constructed in the public lands within the...
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation: How Irrigation Projects are Sized
The objective of this study was to review the methods presently used by the United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Bureau) to estimate the water requirements for...
The Relationship of Benefits to System Size for Irrigation Projects
This paper presents a generalized linear programming (LP) and farm budget model for optimization of on-farm irrigation benefits resulting from variations in irrigation project size. The...
Considerations for Sizing Water Delivery Systems
The purpose of a water delivery system is to deliver irrigation water to a farm and its design should be based on meeting the requirements of farm water use. The rate, duration and frequency...
Factors Influencing Conveyance Efficiency
Losses from a water distribution system are inadequately defined by reference to only the gross conveyance efficiency (Ec) of the system. The various unavoidable and avoidable losses that...
Daily Diversion Forecasting for a Large Irrigation Project
A procedure has been developed and tested to forecast demand-type large irrigation diversions on a daily basis. The model is based on hydrologic concepts as well as irrigation scheduling...
Irrigation District Management?Past, Present and Future
This paper reviews the significant changes in the policies and procedures followed by agencies formed to deliver irrigation water in the western United States generally and California...
ARS Water Data Bank?A Storage System for Hydrologic Data
Precipitation and streamflow records are considered basic for all hydrologic studies, and are an important product of water research projects in the Agricultural Research Service (ARS)....
Water Rights Considerations Associated With Channel Conveyance Losses
During 1986, the Wyoming Water Research Center and the State Engineer's Office cooperatively did a study on the conveyance losses associated with a section of stream channel...
Satellite Data for Adjudications in Idaho
A succession of events following a lawsuit by a power company against the state of Idaho has led to a general adjudication for a majority of the Snake River basin in Idaho. Past adjudication...
Distributed Ground-Water Data Base of the U.S.G.S.
During the past 20 years, the ground-water data base of the U. S. Geological Survey has evolved from paper files in local offices, to a national data base on a central mainframe computer,...
Crop-Water Production Functions and System Design
A Task Committee to evaluate application of crop-water production functions to irrigation system design and management was established by the ASCE Irrigation Water Requirements Committee...
Meixner Functions Model Crop Yield vs. Applied Water
Most crop production functions are reported as linear functions even though everyone knows they are not. The few examples of non linear crop production functions that exist in the literature...
Accuracy and Geographic Transferability of Crop Water Production Functions
This paper presents the results of that recent study, which investigated over 300 crop water production functions (CWPFs) and 370 publications on production functions. The accuracy and...
Automation of Border and Basin Irrigation
Various methods and types of control equipment for automating border and basin irrigation are described. Mechanical gates include dual function turnout gates that both open and close and...
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