Scour Downstream of High Level Emergency Spillways
The Corps of Engineers has numerous high level emergency spillways (HLES) including some that have the potential for excessive scour downstream during certain flow events. 'Excessive...

Development of Scour Channel After Spillway Failure
In November 1985 parts of the spillway which controlled the water level in Lake Charleston failed during a moderate flood event. The spillway failure resulted in formation of a large 'sinkhole'...

Analysis of Scour Problems at Louisiana Bridges
An ongoing project to automate the monitoring of scour measurements at Louisiana bridge sites is discussed. The data at selected bridges is digitized and put into computer files for analysis....

Scour Prevention at Bridge Piers
Laboratory experiments are described in which attempts are made to eliminate local scour at bridge piers using submerged vanes and pier collar. The submerged vanes direct bed load toward,...

Low Head Dam Safety Studied with Hydraulic Models
Use of physical models to study the hydraulic jump or submerged roller action created as water overflows low head dams provides an opportunity to develop design criteria for various structure...

The Development of Test Cases for Hydrodynamic and Transport Models
This paper reviews the test cases employed by several investigators in the development of two- and three-dimensional finite difference and finite element hydrodynamic and transport models....

A Semianalytical Method for Solving Unsteady Flow Equations
This paper proposes a method that uses conjunctively the Laplace transform for continuous time and finite element for spatial discretization to solve unsteady flow equations. Laplace transforms...

Turbulent Transverse Shear Flows in Shallow Waters
Shallow turbulent mixing layers, generated downstream of a splitter plate between a fast and a slow open-channel flows of shallow water depth, were investigated experimentally for vertical...

Cellular-Automata for Hydrodynamic Modeling
A two-dimensional fluid continuum system can be modeled using a discrete field of particles that interact according to simple deterministic rules. The methodology is called Cellular Automata....

An Efficient, Accurate Technique for Navier-Stokes Solution
Solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for a Newtonian, incompressible fluid (such as water) requires both accuracy in the assuring conservation of mass and efficiency of convergence....

Gradation and Layer Thickness Effects on Riprap
Since riprap has become a costly and in some areas, scarce commodity, proper design maximizing the level of protection with a minimum rock size and layer thickness is an important goal....

Embankment-Dam Breach Parameters
The study used data from 43 embankment-dam failures to develop equations that predict breach formation model parameters. These data include the failure mode, embankment characteristics,...

Modeling Materials for Protecting Earth Weirs
This paper reports laboratory experiments on various materials used to protect earth weirs. Dumped rock, gabion mattresses, and shaped blocks on a gravel layer were subjected to high velocity...

Statistical Analysis of Embankment Dam Failures
Data on embankment dam failures in the State of Colorado were analyzed. The analyses included 1,900 dams and covered a time period from 1799 to 1985. The three basic categories of data...

Water Distribution System Design by Chance-Constrained Model
The objective of this paper is to present an optimization model for the design of water distribution systems considering the uncertainty in required demands, required pressures, and pipe...

Analytical Simulation of Bulk Water Supply Network Reliability
The authors present an analytical method for estimating failure probabilities for a bulk water supply network with spatially dispersed supply, demand, and storage. The method examines...

Reliability Analysis of Pumping Stations and Storage Facilities
The methodology presented for pumping stations is based upon three models: a supply model, a demand model, and a margin model. The supply model considers so-called states of a system which...

Model for the Optimal Rehabilitation and Replacement of Water Distribution System Components
The objective of the model presented is to determine the minimum cost solution, given the nonlinear nature of the equations required to describe the cost and the hydraulics of a water...

Comparing Two Estuarine Mass Transport Models
Two simplified mass transport models for partially mixed estuaries were evaluated using data from the Patuxent and James Estuaries. The first of the models was developed by Pritchard in...

Dispersal of Dredged Material Disposal Plumes
An empirical model describes dispersal of dredged material disposal plumes in an urban estuary, Central Long Island Sound, during spring of 1983. The model uses in situ current meter data...





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