Remote Sensed Information System in Marine Management
Today computer and GIS are being used to join marine resources and environmental management, and remote sensed data is becoming more and more important data sources of GIS. Along with...

GIS and Laboratory Study Contaminants in Wetlands
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provide excellent visualization and analyses of where pollution sources are located relative to existing wetland resources and areas of significant...

State Implementation and Enforcement of the Alaska Coastal Management Program
Section 306 the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1992 required participating states to develop a means to implement and enforce their coastal programs. The Alaska Coastal Management Act,...

Modern Air Pollution Reduction Technology on Platforms in the Pacific OCS
The Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) along the California coast line has the most sophisticated air pollution reduction technologies implemented in the world. This paper describes...

A National Coastal Strategy for the Future
The purpose of this paper is to explore options for better managing the country's living coastal resources and to examine the lessons learned from the administration of existing coastal...

Theoretical Study of Artificial Nourishment on the Suape Beach, State of Pernambuco, Brazil
This paper describes the theoretical studies developed to design the artificial nourishment on Suape Beach, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. The basis concepts are briefly discussed, as well...

Responsible Governmental Structures: Coastal Management in the United States, Great Britain, and Australia
Commentators studying the coastal management strategies adopted by various countries have frequently criticized the lack of centralized national authorities aimed specifically at coastal...

Integration of Remote Sensing, GIS, and GPS Techniques for Monitoring Non-hazardous Oilfield Waste (NOW) Pits in Coastal Louisiana
Non-hazardous Oilfield Waste (NOW) pits exist throughout Louisiana's coastal zone. Though labeled 'non-hazardous,' NOW pits are potentially dangerous to human and environmental interests...

The Use of Geographic Information System Technology to Compare the Environmental Impacts of Human Development on Mobile Bay, Alabama, and Galveston Bay, Texas
Geographic information systems (GIS) can synthesize information rapidly and efficiently from many different sources. GIS-generated maps, which integrate multiple information layers, can...

The Development of a Geographic Information System for the Management of Mississippi's Coastal Wetlands
The Mississippi Automated Resource Information System's (MARIS) Technical Center (MTC) and the Mississippi Bureau of Marine Resources (BMR) are engaged in a joint project to improve the...

Using GIS to Monitor Wetlands Loss/Gain
This paper represents the work being done at the National Wetlands Research Center (NWRC) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) to monitor wetland change in the Mississippi River...

Using GIS and Image Processing Technology to Assist Wetland Planning, Protection, and Restoration in Coastal Louisiana
Coastal Louisiana has experienced severe wetland loss over the past 30 years. The Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) of 1990 was created to address the...

Beach Stability and Coastal Erosion in the Eastern Caribbean Islands-A Regional Programme
The problems associated with coastal erosion have been facing the smaller islands of the Eastern Caribbean for many years. The skills necessary to manage the problems have not been available...

Guidelines for Digital Environmental Sensitivity Index Maps
New national and international requirements for oil spill planning and response capabilities include identification and mapping of fish and wildlife resources and oil-sensitive habitats....

Political and Planning Actions on the Brazilian Coastal Management Program
The Brazilian Coastal Management Program is presented in two distinct phases, starting from its introduction in the country. Technical aspects of the adopted methodology development are...

Florida's Marine Turtle Protection Program: Seeking Solutions
The State of Florida is attempting to assist in the recovery of endangered and threatened marine turtles. This paper describes the multi-leveled approach being utilized to address threats...

Five Year Program to Evaluate Sand, Mineral and Hard Bottom Resources of the Continental Shelf off South Carolina
In July of 1992, the State of South Carolina entered into a cooperative arrangement with the Minerals Management Service (MMS) to establish a technical working group to identify and evaluate...

Salinity Variations in Two Louisiana Estuaries
Salinity variations, on a variety of time scales, are described for two shallow bar-built estuaries of the Louisiana coast. Tidal, sub-tidal, and seasonal scale variations are important...

Method for Understanding the Characteristics of Coastal Zones from Historical and Geographical Viewpoints
Through this model investigation of the Miura Peninsula, it was found that collection of various kinds of coastal zone geographical information in the format of a CZCT is useful for understanding...

The National Flood Insurance Program and Coastal Hazards
The year 1993 marks the 25th anniversary of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This milestone offers an excellent opportunity to assess and discuss the relative effectiveness...





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