Stream Stability and Scour Training in Support of the NBIS
The Federal Highway Administration is now requiring a comprehensive evaluation of bridge scour as part of the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). To support the implementation...

Implementation of the NBIS Scour Evaluation Program?District 2, Florida
The Federal Highway Administration is now requiring a comprehensive evaluation of bridge scour as part of the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). District 2, Florida Department...

Quantification of Uncertainties in a Water Quality Model with Application to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
A methodology is described that allows a quantitative verification of water quality models. The methodology provides a quantitative analysis of model accuracy that takes into account different...

Tidal Propagation in a Distorted Model
A largely analytical study of tidal flow in the Sacramento/San Joaquin delta system provides the basis of an investigation of physical model distortion on tidal circulation in a complicated...

Reclamation's Design Process of Early Warning Systems for Dam Safety
This paper discusses the Bureau of Reclamation's process for designing the detection and decision making components of an Early Warning System (EWS) for dams with hydrologic deficiencies....

Incipient Motion in Gravel-Bed Rivers
Incipient motion processes are reviewed for bed material in gravel-bed rivers. Prediction difficulties are identified. Research results are reported for field and flume studies to investigate...

Sediment Budgets in Gravel Bed Streams
A sediment budget/mass balance technique is presented for use in assessment of sediment transport by river reach in gravel bed streams. Selection of appropriate gravel bed transport equations,...

Weaver Bottoms Backwater Rehabilitation
Navigation channel dredge material was used to construct closure structures and islands in lower pool 5 on the Upper Mississippi River in 1986. Primary objectives included aquatic habitat...

Computer Aided Design and Cost Estimation of Gabion Lined Channels
Rivers are a dynamic part of the hydrologic cycle. Changes in discharge, flow depth, water velocity, and meander patterns contribute to this dynamic nature. As a result, portions of a...

Simulation of River Bed Evolution Below Tsengwen Reservoir in Taiwan
An uncoupled, one-dimensional river model, capable of simulating bed evolution, hydraulic sorting and armoring under unsteady flow conditions is presented in this paper. This unsteady...

On the Applicable Ranges of Kinematic and Diffusion Models in Open Channels
The kinematic and diffusion models using simplified momentum equations of the full dynamic equation have been frequently used for numerical flow simulations, because they have several...

Density Currents in Pollutant Transport and Mixing
A buoyant spreading model for the current-advected plume is formulated including several distinct mechanisms: convective spreading, interfacial friction spreading, entrainment at the density...

Bed Sediments Size Changes, Atchafalaya River
During low flows of 1989 and 1991, we collected bed sediment samples from the thalwegs of the Mississippi River from Cairo, Illinois, to Head of Passes and along the Atchafalaya River...

A Study of Lateral Bed Slopes Developed at Bend
A study was conducted to compare seven actual cross section profiles of Philip Bayou Realignment with the lateral bed slopes estimated from the model derived by Ikeda titled `Sediment...

Bank Stability Analyses Versus Field Observations
The concept and process of stream bank stabilization design through the development and use of limiting stability curves for the comparison of existing bank height/angle combinations to...

Nonuniform Transient Sediment Transport Modeling
A numerical model based on Lai's (1991) multimode scheme for fully coupled simulation of water and sediment movement in mobile-bed alluvial channels with nonuniform bed materials has been...

Scour Around Bridge Piers in Oklahoma Streams in 1986
Historically, Oklahoma has received many severe rainfall and flooding events due to hurricanes hitting the coast of Florida and moving to the Gulf Coast area. One such event occurred during...

Emergency Protection, San Luis Rey River Aqueducts
A calibrated hydraulic computer model (FLUVIAL-12) was used to predict flood damage potential at the two San Diego Aqueduct river crossings in northern San Diego County. Model results...

Design and Performance of Emergency Spillway Channel Erosion Protection?Grenada Lake Dam, Grenada, Mississippi
Grenada Lake Dam located on the Yalobusha River in northeast Mississippi is part of the Mississippi River and Tributaries comprehensive plan for flood control. The 13,000-ft-long earthfill-type...

Video Analysis of Gravel Saltation
Experimental results concerning saltation characteristics of gravel particles in a movable bed channel are analyzed by using video imaging techniques. Ensemble averaged values of saltation...





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