Arresting a Toxic Plume
At an abandoned gravel pit in New Hampshire turned into a dump site for hazardous liquid chemical wastes (as well as drummed solid waste), engineers had to race against the clock to stem...

River and Lake Ice Processes Relevant to Ice Loads
Ice effects on engineering structures in inland waters are more widespread than generally appreciated. Troublesome ice conditions can be expected regularly north of the 0 degree C January...

Measurement of Ice Forces on Structures
Methodologies and techniques are discussed for measuring ice forces on fixed structures situated in rivers and lakes. The usual method of measuring ice forces is to place a load frame...

Are U.S. Firms Handicapped in Winning Foreign Jobs?
U.S. engineers and construction officials complain that inadequate U.S. government spending for feasibility studies viz-a-viz the Europeans and Asians, noncompetitive financing, and an...

Current Status of Urban Hydrology in Japan
After World War II the devastated Japanese landscape was ravaged repeatedly by heavy typhoons causing severe damages. Nevertheless, a hydrological data acquisition system was not adequately...

Flanged Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members
Design aids in the forms of charts and tables are available for design of reinforced concrete flexural members. Many of these design aids were developed for design of rectangular cross...

Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
The Journal of Hydraulic Engineering accepts original contributions that describe the analysis and solutions of problems in hydraulic engineering. Technical Notes may present a problem, without solution,...

Microcomputer Water Quality Simulation Model
Water quality models are widely used in the analysis of natural water systems to evaluate the impacts of wastewater handling alternatives and changes in land use. Linear, steady-state,...

Bloomington Lake�Potomac River Water Resources Project
The recently completed $174 million Bloomington Lake project has improved flood control and water quality to the benefit of millions of people downstream. The headwaters of the Potomac...

Denny Creek: The Toughest Bridge Washington State Ever Built
The story of how highway planners and engineers in Washington State's Department of Transportation were stopped from building a highway and viaduct through a pristine wilderness...

Structural Section Properties
A computer program is featured that is useful for determining section properties of geometric shapes used in a variety of applications, such as the use of built-up or nonstandard sections....

Thermal Destruction Options for Controlling Hazardous Wastes
Incineration will play an increasingly important role in the management of hazadous waste in the United States. Properly designed and operated incineration systems are capable of destroying...

Research Needs in Hydraulics, Coastal Engineering and Irrigation
Last June an ASCE/NSF team gathered at Warrenton, Va., to prioritize research needs in civil engineering. They split the field into 10 subcategories, one of which is Hydraulics, Coastal...

Parrotts Ferry Bridge: Pioneer in Lightweight, Pumped Concrete
Spanning the Stanislaus River in Northern California, this bridge includes a 640-ft center span that is the world's longest span in lightweight concrete and the longest bridge...

Don't Always Put Dam in Narrowest Part of Valley
Hydraulic factors must be taken into account in dam planning and design, because the best structural design is not always the most economical. When the potential for downstream flood damage...

Value Engineering and Cement-Bentonite Cutoff Wall Save Dam Project for Arizona Indian Tribe
Value engineering showed how it was possible to save $1 million in construction costs for the San Carlos River Dam, east of Phoenix, Ariz. The proposed dam site was moved to take advantage...

USGS Sharpening Water-Quality Management Tools
By 1983, the U.S. will have spent over $83 billion to upgrade treatment facilities to advanced waste treatment. Much of this furious effort will be in vain, won't produce...

Thames River Flood Barrier
For 200 years, flood tides have surged into the Thames flooding London and its vicinity. Ground subsidence in the area and the melting of the polar ice cap is combining to worsen the problem....

Corps Takes New Approach to Flood Control
As urban development increased storm runoff into the Charles River, a dam built in 1910 became inadequate to protect the Boston area from flooding. Boston suffered $5,000,000 in flood...

Do Federal Grants Distort a City's Capital Investment Priorities�
The availability of federal grants in some areas and no grants in others sometimes leads to absurd distortions in a city's true capital investment needs. Under construction...





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