U.S. Response to Coal Demand: Port and Harbor Improvements
The OPEC oil embargo, which caused long gasoline lines in 1973, caused incredibly long lines of coal ships along the East coast just last year. These ships came to bet coal to fuel overseas...

Water and Energy
Technical and Policy Issues
Industrial, political, legal, hydrological, and environmental issues surrounding development of energy and associated water resources are examined in this collection of papers presented...

New Evapotranspiration Process: Key to Zero Discharge for Electroplaters
The electroplating process and methods of handling electroplating wastes at the Naval Air Rework Facility in Pensacola, Florida are described. In the past, evapotranspiration as a treatment...

Hydropower Finds New Market in the Third World
While roughly half of the world's hydropower potential is in the developing countries, totaling about 1,200 gigawatts, only 10 percent has been tapped, a World Bank study...

Nuclear Facilities Siting
A review of the status of requirements for the selection of sites for the facilities comprising the nuclear fuel cycle for electric power production is presented. The report includes a...

Energy in the Man-Built Environment
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Energy in the Man-Built Environment, held at the Lodge at Vail, Vail, Colorado, August 3-5, 1981. Sponsored by the Urban Planning Development...

Tall Building Systems and Concepts
The structural, mechanical and electrical systems of tall buildings are explored. The eight areas of focus are, structural systems, mechanical and service systems, electrical systems,...

Joint Usage of Utility and Transportation Corridors
The problems and experiences of engineers working on transportation corridors are explored through 12 papers presented at a conference of the ASCE Pipeline Division. Corridors involve...

Are American Utilities Sorry they went Nuclear�
The future of nuclear power in the U.S. will be determined in large measure by what the electric utilities decide to do. Very few electric utilities are planning to build more nuclear...

Dike Safety Upgraded with Millions of Square Feet of Fabric
Nonwoven fabrics of two different weights were used in an $80 million dike reconstruction project in southern Florida. Florida Power & Light Company rebuilt the embankment to a...

Will Nuclear Power Survive in New England
Presently, New England is among those U.S. regions most committed to nuclear power, with one-third of its electric power coming from the atom. The most pressing task is for the region...

The Deep-Shaft Process: Bright Future for Treating High-Strength Wastewaters
A Deep-Shaft wastewater treatment process may reduce by 10 to 30 percent the power requirements and land area needed for a plant. The technique is most attractive for treating high-BOD...

The Future of Nuclear Power: A Global View
At ASCE's International Convention in New York City this past May, there was some lively discussion about nuclear waste disposal, the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, the...

Industry Challenges EPA on Whether Certain Wastes are Hazardous or Not
Before the U.S. can clean up its hazardous wastes, it must first decide which wastes are hazardous, which not. The case histories presented here show that this decision is not always easy...

Transportation Innovations that Would Banish America's Energy Crisis
Despite the current oil glut, the energy crisis is still very much with us. Within the next few decades, the U.S. will nearly exhaust economically recoverable petroleum. The key to solving...

Guide to Right-of-Way Survey Practices
Guidelines are described for right of way surveys with regard to properly executed research, field surveys, monumentation, platting and recording of plats, and descriptions by trained...

Appropriate Technology in Resource Conservation & Recovery
Six contributions to proceedings of an October 1979 ASCE workshop deal with both developing and industrial countries. A review of debris accumulation in urban areas reveals archaeological,...

Case Studies of Applied Advanced Data Collection and Management
Sponsored by the Committee on Advanced Data Collection and Management Systems of ASCE. This casebook offers examples of civil engineering practices...

Coastal Zone '80
One hundred thirty-nine papers presented at the second symposium on coastal and ocean management are included. Authors are planners, engineers, government administrators and environmentalists....

Power Line Stresses Environmental Concern
A recently constructed power line in Colorado and Wyoming has been labeled a leader in protecting the environment and enhancing the area's natural scenic beauty. Built by...





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