Social and Environmental Objectives in Water Resources Planning and Management
Social and environmental goals and objectives are continually changing and difficult to quantify. Consequently, water resources planners and managers find it difficult to maintain currency...

Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources
This book includes papers presented at the Engineering Foundation conference on Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources and at a session at the ASCE National Convention in Boston....

Facility Location and Land Use
The Urban/Rural Dilemma
Most land use planning techniques focus on large metropolitan areas, with relatively little attention paid to smaller communities. Recent issues such as nuclear power plant location, water...

Boston's Water Resource Development
Past, Present, and Future
This volume contains five papers describing diverse aspects of water supply, water power, and wastewater disposal in eastern Massachusetts. Three papers discuss Boston's water...

The Historical Development of Boston's Water Supply System
Boston, one of the oldest cities in the United States, has one of the oldest public water supply systems, dating back to 1652. The system was developed and expanded incrementally in response...

James B. Francis and the Northern Canal
Lowell became America's first great industrial city because of the power of the Pawtucket Falls and the efforts of an amazing group of engineers, industrialists, and workers....

Leak Detection Is Just a Piece of the Pie
This paper emphasizes that leak detection is part of the proper management techniques that must be used to control unaccounted-for water. In order to effectively understand the pieces...

Boston's Future Water Supply
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority is responsible for planning and providing water to metropolitan Boston. Recent state legislation directs that conservation, development of local...

A Digester Gas Cogeneration Plant at EBMUD
Final testing and start-up of a 4. 3 MW digester gas cogeneration plant has been completed and full-time operation begun at the EBMUD Wastewater Treatment Plant in Oakland, California....

World Energy Outlook
In response to lower energy prices and reinvigorated economic growth, demand for all forms of energy is increasing steadily. With the growing realization that man's resources,...

Maintenance Levels of Service Guidelines
Maintenance levels of service define the threshold physical conditions that indicate a need for maintenance and repair activities and prescribe restored conditions after maintenance is...

Watershed Management in 1985
Today's technology in subalpine watershed management is based on carefully designed watershed experiments beginning with Wagon Wheel Gap in 1909. Subsequent advances in process...

International and Educational Aspects of Watershed Management
International donor agencies involved in furnishing technical and economic assistance for increasing food and fiber production are focusing their attention towards rain-fed agricultural...

South Branch Rockaway Storm Water Management Study
The Division of Water Resources of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the Hunterdon Soil Conservation District, the United States Department of Agriculture's...

Crown Corporation Approach to Watershed Management
On July 1, 1984, the Government of Saskatchewan proclaimed the Water Corporation Act. The Act formed the legislative basis for the newly formed Saskatchewan Water Corporation and ushered...

Simulation of Natural Resource Systems
Desertification, defined as the loss in productive capacity of the land, has spawned research in decision making involving multi-objective situations. In this study, computer simulation...

Modeling Off-Site Impacts
The off-site impacts of a flood water control program were evaluated by applying the SWRRB (Simulation of Water Resources on Rural Basins) model to a treated basin, primarily agricultural,...

Environmental Noise Control for Industrial Facilities
The authors present a brief discussion of the criteria used to evaluate environmental noise control problems. Then, they discuss environmental noise control in the power, petroleum, gas...

Computer Impacts on Water Resources Engineering
Computation capability has increased by a factor of one million over the past 30 years and has contributed greatly toward data management and the application of available technology to...

Computers in a Planning Context: Another Reality
Over the past twenty years water resources planning has seen a great increase in the development of computer methods of analysis. This has transformed the way the hydrology, hydraulics,...





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