Effects of Sampling Equipmenton the Chemical Integrity of Groundwater Samples
Proper sampling of groundwater is one of the basic steps in monitoring movement of pollutants in groundwater systems. The effect of the use of silicone rubber when used as a bladder in...

Sulfide Control in Omaha and Cedar Rapids
Omaha, Nebraska, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa have been involved in efforts to control sulfide in major interceptors, at the influent to the treatment plants, and within the treatment facilities....

Health Effects,Risk Assessment and Guidance for Indoor Radon
Unlike many inorganic elements, radionuclides have no nutritional value. Radionuclides are carcinogenic and uranium is also known to be non-carcinogenic as well. This paper is primarily...

Treatment Facilities and Costs for the Removal of Radon from Ground Water Supplies
Two methods for removal of Radon from drinking water are considered: activated carbon adsorption and packed tower aeration. Although both granular activated carbon (GAC) and packed tower...

Removal of EDB from Groundwater by Granular Activated Carbon Filtration
Application of ethylene dibromide (EDB) pesticide to crops may result in contamination of groundwater. Various water treatment alternatives are: granulated activated carbon adsorption,...

Current Status of Flue GasDesulfurization in the United States
Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems have been in existence in the United States for only 17 years but they have made a tremendous impact in the operation of utility plants. At present,...

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Stormwater Drainage
Global sea level rise as a result of the greenhouse effect and the past trend and future projection on the rise are discussed. Potential problems associated with coastal stormwater drainage...

Subsidence by Rising and Fluctuating Ground Water
Present studies by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation in California indicate that under certain geologic conditions similar subsidence can also be caused by rising ground-water levels, which...

National Perspectives and Policy on Nonpoint Sources of Water Pollution
The paper presents the perspective of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the title subject. It makes the point that while EPA continues to implement the major point source efforts...

An Integrated Conceptual Expert System for Flood and Water Pollution Management
One particularly practical role for an expert system (ES) is as an interface between a complex computer model and an inexperienced user or novice. The software is applied to the USEPA...

Expert Pattern Recognition for Pollution Source Identification
This paper presents an approach for developing an Expert System to aid the identification of locations and magnitudes of a finite number of groundwater pollution sources. A pattern recognition...

Artificial Recharge for Managing the Great Salt Lake
During the past three years, precipitation amounts throughout the drainage basin have significantly exceeded normal values. The resulting record breaking inflow volumes and lower than...

Conjunctive Use and Managed Groundwater Recharge: Engineering and Politics in Arid Lands
In regions with alluvial groundwater basins, increasing consumer demands for water, irregular surface water flows, and high evapotranspiration rates, managed recharge and long-term conjunctive...

Modeling an Alluvial Aquifer with Flood Irrigation
Interaction between an unconfined alluvial aquifer, recharged by flood irrigation, and the associated stream system in a glacial outwash area of Wyoming was studied. The United States...

Simultaneous Pumping from Layered Ground Water
Laboratory experiments with a Hele-Shaw model and a sand model, and an approximate mathematical analysis using finite elements and the computer, have demonstrated that fresh water can...

Surface Water Analysis for Ground Water Simulation
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has applied a hydrologic-economic modeling (HEM) system to the analysis of ground water use in the San Joaquin Valley. An important component...

A GIS to Predict Non-Point Source Pollution Potential
The non-point pollution potential of agricultural lands was analyzed using a geographic, computer based system. Bacterial pollution received special emphasis. The system accepts digitally...

Investigating and Treating Chromium in Ground Water at a Wood Treater in California
A wood treating facility, operating for more than five years without required permits, contaminated soil and ground water on and offsite. The company moved slowly in response to enforcement...

Remedial Action Alternatives for Groundwater Contamination
Preliminary remedial action alternatives are formulated for a site contaminated by heavy metals. The results of soils and hydrogeologic investigations are summarized and three corrective...

Liquid Waste Pollution from a Sugar Cane Industry
The water pollution survey as performed in this study, indicates that all liquid wastes from the mill are segregated. The chemical waste sewerage systems supposedly conveys these wastes...





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