Applications of Fracture-Flow Modeling to Site Characterization
This paper describes practical applications of discrete-fracture approaches for design and analysis of groundwater flow about high-level radioactive waste repositories. The paper presents...

Site Specific Geologic Interpretations of Richton Salt Dome
There have been numerous investigations into the geological and hydrological aspects of the Richton Salt Dome area since its selection as a preferred site for a nuclear waste repository....

The Long-Term Climate Change Assessment Task of the Protective Barrier Development Program for Low-Level Waste Site Remediation at the Hanford Site
A study plan is being developed to guide a multiyear program to assess long-term climate change and optimize the design of protective barriers. A protective barrier alternative is being...

Calibration of High Frequency Pollen Sequences and Tree-Ring Records
Two radiocarbon dated paleoenvironmental records from southern Nevada are being examined with the possibility of correlating high-frequency pollen samples with nearby long-term tree-ring...

Modeling Future Climates for Nuclear Waste Disposal
In order to ensure safe long term storage of nuclear waste it is necessary to consider possible consequences of future climate change. A program of long term climate scenario development...

Overview of the U.S. Department of Energy's Pace-90 Geologic Repository Performance Assessment Exercise Activity
During 1989, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated a determined effort to integrate and focus the performance-assessment activities required to support the preparation of an Environmental...

The Use of Performance Assessments in Yucca Mountain Repository Waste Package Design Activities
The Yucca Mountain Project is developing performance assessment approaches as part of the evaluations of the suitability of Yucca Mountain as a repository site. Lawrence Livermore National...

Opportunities for the Nuclear Waste Negotiator
The Nuclear Waste Negotiator (the Negotiator) has the potential to have a significant positive impact on the United States High-level Radioactive Waste Management program perhaps more...

Institutional Status, Challenges, and Plans Related to the MRS Program
This paper analyzes the role of institutional considerations in the Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) program. Among the issues that will be discussed are: the present focus of the MRS...

Linkage Between Site Characterization Program and Performance and Design Data Needs
The basis for identifying site-specific data needs for the Yucca Mountain site was a thorough review and evaluation of the regulatory requirements for a geologic repository. The U.S. Nuclear...

Preliminary Conceptual Design Description of the Proposed DOE Store-Only Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) Facility
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) of 1982 required DOE to examine the options for the provision of long term spent fuel storage in monitored retrievable storage (MRS) facilities. Specifically,...

Ventilation and Construction Considerations for a High Level Nuclear Waste Repository
The storage of high level nuclear waste in an underground repository presents engineering problems in ventilation, construction methods and plan, and in proposed retrievability. Temperatures...

Effects of Water Composition on the Dissolution Rate of UO2 Under Oxidizing Conditions
Dissolution rates were measured on crushed unirradiated UO2 fuel pellet samples under oxidizing conditions using a flow-through testing method. Water...

The Role of the U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
The Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board is a new independent governmental establishment with in the Executive Branch created in December 1987 when Congress enacted the Nuclear Waste Policy...

Requirements and Concept for an On-Orbit Construction Facility for Phase 1 Space Station Freedom
Future NASA plans for exploring the solar system and programs such as the Large Deployable Reflector and Pathfinder require in-space construction for their success. The technologies required...

Space Station Freedom Attached Payloads and Commercialization
The Space Station Freedom (SSF) accommodates a class of payloads called external attached payloads. These payloads are attached to the main truss of Space Station Freedom through the use...

Technology Needs Development and Orbital Support Requirements for Manned Lunar and Mars Missions
This paper will present an overview of the critical technology needs and the Space Station Freedom (SSF) focused support requirements for the Office of Exploration's (OEXP)...

MALEO: Modular Assembly in Low Earth Orbit: An Alternate Strategy for Lunar Base Deployment
Modular Assembly in Low Earth Orbit (MALEO) is a new strategy for building an initial operational capability lunar habitation base. In this strategy, the lunar base components are brought...

Application of Automation and Robotics to Lunar Surface Human Exploration Operations
Major results of a study (RLSO, 89) applying automation and robotics to lunar surface base buildup and operations concepts are reported. The study developed a reference base scenario with...

Site Constraints for a Lunar Base
A rigorous site plan is a prerequisite for quantitative analyses of lunar base operations. The development of such a site plan, done for a detailed lunar base study (RLSO, 89), is described...





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