Effect of Tall Vegetation on Erosion and Sedimentation: A Microcomputer Package
A model was developed to predict the effect of standing vegetation on sediment yield. The model is based on the relationship between local scour around standing vegetation and the role...

Numerical Modelling of Bed Evolution in Braided Channel Systems
The overall modelling approach adopted is based on an assumption of quasi-steady flow. The numerical algorithm is based on a split-operator approach, in which the flow energy equation,...

The Role of Hydraulics and Sediment in Large River Ecology
The National Science Foundation has sponsored a project under the long term ecological research (LTER) program which is called the 'Illinois Rivers' LTER project....

Lake Water Level and Sediment Management?Case Studies in Illinois
Estimation of the sedimentation in the lake is based on the soil erosion rates in the watershed, the sediment transport in the stream system, and lake trap efficiency. Erosion rates are...

Analyses of Sediment Transport Data by Microcomputer Software
The MINITAB statistical software project has been popularly used on mainframe computers since 1972. In June 1984, a subset of the program was made available for the IBM-PC microcomputer;...

Assessment of Sediment Problems in Peoria Lake, Illinois
Peoria Lake, located on the Illinois River in Illinois, is the deepest lake in the river valley. Since 1903, the lake has experienced approximately a 31% loss of original storage capacity...

Water Supply Intake Structures on Western Rivers
Many of the problems experienced with water supply intake structures on western rivers result from a failure to mitigate the effects of moving sediments. Shallow but varying flow depths...

Data Acquisition in USACRREL'S Flume Facility
A computerized data acquisition system has been developed that is based on a Hewlett-Packard 9845B desktop computer. The system allows determination of highly accurate water temperatures,...

Three-Dimensional Simulation of Flow, Salinity, Sediment, and Radionuclide Movements in the Hudson River Estuary
The three-dimensional, finite difference model FLESCOT was applied to a 106-km reach of the Hudson River estuary in New York between Chelsea and the mouth of the river. It predicted the...

A Microcomputer Program for River Sedimentation
Erosion and deposition of sediment in rivers causes numerous problems. In order to describe this process, both the hydraulic properties of the river and the mechanics of sediment transport...

The Matched Artificial Dispersivity Method
The paper presents a class of models that are well-suited for microcomputing and that are based on what may be called the 'Matched Aritifical Dispersivity' method....

Littoral Environment Observation Program
This paper presents a method for determining the longitudinal, transverse, and vertical dispersivities of a thick aquifer for a free convection tracer test using only measurements from...

Application of a Detachable Gondola Ropeway in an Urban Transport Environment: New Orleans, La.
The first United States application of the detachable, monocable, gondola ropeway system as an urban transportation system is presented. The system is the Mississippi Aerial River Transit...

Automated Analysis of High Accident Locations
Identification of high accident locations and associated accident causative factors as well as determination and evaluation of appropriate remedial measures at these sites are continuing...

Smart Transit: Better Service in a Wider Range of Applications
An overview of operating people movers is given. For most of the three dozen current systems, institutions other than mass transit agencies have been able to tap the major benefits offered...

Market for AGT and its Implication for Needed R&D
This paper reviews the present market for automated-type transit systems, outlines the attributes required to satisfy and expand this market, and identifies deficiencies in existing Automated...

Feasibility Assessment, Planning and Programming of Downtown People Mover Installations
Based on the author's personal experience, this paper sets forth suggested guidelines for progressing from initial feasibility studies through implementation of automated...

How Will People Movers Affect Downtown Areas?
The year 1980 was a pivotal one for the downtown automated people mover development process in both Detroit and Miami. In that year both cities completed their preliminary engineering/environmental...

Changing Attitudes Towards Elevated Structures
This paper examines the reaction of professionals and politicians to specific examples of proposals for new public transport systems that entail elevated structures in central areas. When...

How to Make Automated Transportation Profitable!
The paper discusses an approach to analyzing why past systems attracted investors. It suggests, first; remember why the auto and truck have captured the bulk of the market. Second; accept...





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