Water Management in the '90s
A Time for Innovation
This proceedings, Water Management in the '90s: A Time for Innovation, contains papers presented at the 20th Anniversary conference...

Small-Government GIS
Geographic information systems, or GISs, have shown great potential for use as a tool by public engineers working on the state and municipal level, but the time and money required to put...

Making the Leap
Over the past decade, computers have become as much a part of the engineering field as concrete and steel. But bringing a firm into the information age can be complicated and expensive....

Getting to the Nonpoint Source with GIS
Like most densely populated areas in the U.S., the Galveston Bay in Texas suffers from non-point-source pollution. Engineers working under guidelines of the Galveston Bay National Estuary...

Metric Design: It's Real
Metric construction is coming out of the ground in the U.S. as well as in the rest of the world. It's no longer something to be considered someday, somewhere. Metric�the Systeme...

Colorado Dome
Innovative engineering and precise design helped engineers overcome a building's unique shape and difficult site to deliver the $71.5 million Jefferson County Government Center...

The Role of Information for Offshore Natural Gas
Natural gas may play a larger role in the Nation's energy mix. Extensive reservoirs of natural gas exist on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). But exploration for oil and gas on the OCS...

Petroleum Imports and Coastal Zone Management
With its growing net petroleum import position, the U.S. must accept continued dependence on tankers plying its coastal areas. Tankers also carry product exports, of course, a critical...

GIS and Fisheries Management
Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies may provide the tool needed to translate and synthesize geographically oriented marine resources information in Florida. Issues facing...

Use of Geographic Information Processing for the Identification of Indirect Impacts Associated with Regulatory Permitting Programs: For Now, a Conceptual Model
The utilization of Geographic Information Processing (GIP) for the identification and assessment of direct impacts to coastal ecosystems allowed under the guidelines of regulatory permitting...

A Multifunctional Decision Support GIS for Coastal Management
This article describes the theoretical design and an initial prototype development of a multifunctional spatial decision-support system for coastal resource and environmental management....

The Northern Coast of the State of Rio De Janeiro
This work presents a general characterization of a portion of the coastline of the State of Rio de Janeiro, based on observations made between 1988 and 1992, as part of Littoral Rio project....

Coastal Erosion and Protection in China
The recent coastal erosion in China was becoming increasingly remarkable in the late fifties and had taken a turn for the worse in the late seventies. At present there exist about 70 per...

Coastal Management and Ocean Industries in East Germany, from Central Planning Ineffectiveness Towards Local and Regional Development Strategies
In so far, the preconditions for the implementation of decentralized development tools both in coastal management and in ocean industries may be quite ideal in East Germany: there is the...

Fisheries Management Integrated System for a Sustainable Development Policy
Aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems great diversity are affected by many types of environmental impacts, originated by old economic development concepts. It is necessary a integrated multidisciplinary...

Depositional Sediment on Intertidal Marshes Near Terrebonne Bay and Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana
The net transport of inorganic sediment through tidal bayous and dispersal into adjacent marsh systems are considered important contribution to marsh accretion. Marsh habitats are dependent...

Meteorological Forcing on Louisiana Wetlands
The open wetland areas of southern Louisiana are vulnerable to meteorological forcing. On the basis of over one year U.S.G.S. funded measurements of atmospheric pressure, air-sea temperature...

Production and Decomposition of Spartina patens in a Degrading Coastal Marsh
Production and decomposition rates were calculated for Spartina patens in a mesohaline coastal marsh in Louisiana. Production was estimated to be 800 g m-2 ur-1 during 1991 and 1,696 g...

Plant Establishment Enhancement Technique for Shoreline Stabilization and Protection
Once established, vegetation is capable of significantly reducing erosion along streams, rivers, bays, sounds and other tidal shorelines. In the last 15 years, many attempts to establish...

A Workstation for the Extraction of Coastline from Digital Imagery
The delineation of coastline has primarily been a manual tracing exercise from various forms of imagery. In this paper, a process to extract shoreline automatically from digital imagery...





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