A Case Study of Ground Water Quality Protection in California
Incidents of ground water contamination from improper disposal of industrial wastewater have been widespread throughout California. In late 1984 the State Water Resources Control Board...

Modeling Aromatic Compound Transport in Groundwater
Research results are presented from an ongoing study directed at obtaining a better understanding of the factors affecting the binding characteristics of organic chemicals to ground water...

Groundwater Studies for Land Treatment Facility
A wastewater treatment facility currently under construction in Falmouth, Massachusetts, features a dual disposal method for land application of effluent. As the effluent disposal site...

Potential for Nitrate Removal from Groundwater Supplies Using Biological Deintrification
Nitrate concentrations in groundwater supplies have been increasing over the years throughout many areas in the U. S. to the point of posing potential health dangers to a multitude of...

A Systems Approach for Wasteload Allocations
A methodology for determining an optimal periodic permit for a single discharger situation was developed which accounts for effluent variability, as well as the variability of the receiving...

Wetland Protection Regulations: A Technical Perspective
This paper summarizes the technical basis for the application of wetland protection regulatory schemes upon a number of typical environmental engineering and related projects. A number...

A Study of River Foaming and its Possible Causes
Foaming has been observed on uncontaminated upland streams draining watersheds having no human related development. Because water alone will not foam when agitated, the presence of these...

Significance of In-Stream Denitrification
In-stream denitrification rates were calculated using a simultaneous nitrogen and dissolved oxygen mass balancing technique. Anaerobic, laboratory, incubation of stream bottom samples...

Microcomputer Methods for Toxicants in Ground Waters and Rivers
This paper describes a program written for the IBM personal computers to assess the fate of toxicants in ground waters and in rivers. The algorithms in the program were selected from a...

Arsenic Contamination of Private Potable Wells
The results of a series of water testing programs of private residential wells in Pepperell, Massachusetts showed that of 301 wells tested, approximately 12 percent exhibited arsenic levels...

Underground Oil Lens Management at John F. Kennedy International Airport
Observation wells plumbed using a water surface detector and standard topographic interpolation techniques were used to establish the hydraulic gradient of the groundwater and the presence...

Design and Construction of TCE/PCE Removal Facilities
This paper presents a review of the design and construction of a facility in Arcadia, California, to remove trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachlorethylene (PCE) from ground water. (Edited...

Estimating Wastewater Capacity of a Cedar Swamp
The response of water table to rainfall provided the basis for estimating the wastewater capacity of a northern Michigan cedar swamp which had been used for disposal of 30 million gallons...

Transport of Halogenated Organics in Saturated Groundwater Flow: Theoretical and Experimental Results
This paper presents the development of a mathematical model to describe transport of organic chemicals in saturated soil columns and compares model predictions to experimental results....

Analysis of Technologies for Small Water Systems
The problems encountered when small systems must meet the provisions of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations are discussed. Among the potential water quality problems that could...

Conveyance Losses Due to Reservoir Releases
Three natural streams in Wyoming were studied in order to estimate incremental conveyance losses associated with incremental increases in stream flow. For each study area, all surface...

Estimating Transmission Losses
Infiltration or transmission losses in ephemeral stream channels are an important part of the water balance in arid and semiarid regions. The governing equations for movement of flood...

Quantification of Transit Losses, and its Effects on Surface-Water Resources, Arkansas River Basin, Colorado
Colorado Water Law enables downstream water users to use natural river channels to convey water from upstream storage reservoirs to downstream canals, provided an equitable charge is made...

Center Pivots: Iron Dinosaurs of Ogallala Aquifer
In mid-1983, USDA's Soil Conservation Service (SCS) staff in Colorado began a 5-year project aimed at reducing the amount of water the state extracts from the Ogallala aquifer....

Rating Systems to Evaluate Onfarm Water Conservation
The U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, concentrates its assistance on modernization of onfarm irrigation systems and improvement of water management to provide...





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