The NOVA SPAN Bridge System
The NOVA SPAN Bridge concept provides the basis for the design and construction of a new variant in the field of bridges and culverts which, in its performance and operation, incorporates...

Short-Term Versus Long-Term Pipe Ring Stiffness in the Design of Buried Plastic Sewer Pipes
It is often discussed which pipe ring stiffness should be used when designing the long-term deflection of buried plastic sewer pipes; the short-term value or the long-term value? As the...

Whatever Happened to Long-Term Bridge Design?
The Chairman of the Board of one of the leading engineering firms in the nation ponders the future of American bridges. In today's designing of bridges, Thomas R. Kuesel points...

Seam Examination
Charron discusses the importance of seam sampling in geomenbrane installation. In 1988, about 30 million mi of polyethylene geomembranes were used to line landfills, liquid impoundments,...

Design of Ductile Iron Pipe on Supports
Design procedures for ductile iron pipe in normal underground service have been well established. The standard design considers hoop stresses in the pipe wall due to internal hydrostatic...

Design of Drainage Pipes Below Landfills
Drainage pipes are an essential component of landfills. Even though their embedment conditions differ substantially from those of pipes for municipal utilities near the ground surface,...

Designing Vitrified Clay Pipe Systems with EASE
NCPI has developed a computerized trench load design program which provides a broad and complete spectrum of design options which will enable engineers and contractors to safely design...

Optimal Design of Water Transmission Mains
Capital cost for constructing a water transmission main includes cost of the pipeline and its associated installation costs. Also included in the capital cost is the cost of a pump station....

A Look Back in Time to Verify Life Cycle Cost Analyses
The proper engineering design of any hydraulic structure requires consideration of different but interrelated fields of: 1) Planning, 2) Hydrology, 3) Hydraulics, 4) Structural, 5) Installation,...

Structural Safety and Reliability
This proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR '89) held on August 7-11, 1989 in San Francisco, California contains almost...

Creative Connections: Bridges as Art
Princeton University professor of civil engineering David P. Billington, at the invitation of civil engineering professors at Tokyo University, tours Japan and critiques several of the...

Exploratory Shaft Facility
This paper is an overview of engineering and concept development for the Exploratory Shaft Facility (ESF) of the Yucca Mountain Project. The paper presents a general description of the...

Rock Mechanics Aspects of the ESF Design
Selected aspects of the ESF rock mechanics design are outlined with emphasis placed on specific requirements imposed on the design process conducted within quality assurance-controlled...

Preliminary Methodology for Design of Stable Drifts for the Yucca Mountain Project
The Yucca Mountain Project is investigating the feasibility of locating a high-level radioactive nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The conceptual design of the repository...

Approach to Developing a Ground-Motion Design Basis for Facilities Important to Safety at Yucca Mountain
The DOE has proposed a methodology for developing a ground-motion design basis for prospective facilities at Yucca Mountain that are important to safety. The methdology utilizes a quasi-deterministic...

Estimating Earthquake Sizes in the Basin and Range Province, Western North America: Perspectives Gained from Historical Earthquakes
Thirty eight historical earthquake from the Basin and Range province were used to examine three aspects of earthquake size and behavior: 1) the maximum background earthquake, 2) earthquake...

Preclosure Safety Analysis for a Prospective Yucca Mountain Conceptual Design Repository
A preliminary probabilistic risk assessment was performed for the prospective Yucca Mountain conceptual design repository. A new methodology to quantify radioactive source terms was developed...

Actively Controlled Optimum Structural Design
This paper deals with the investigation of the number and location of actuators and sensors on the optimum structure and control design of space structures. The optimization problem is...

An Introduction to Pressurized Volumes in Space
Space habitation designers come from diverse backgrounds. As it is human nature to emphasize that which is familiar, habitat design is strongly influenced by the designer's...

Conceptual Design for a Lunar-Base CELSS
Future human exploration is key to the United States National Space Policy goal of maintaining a world leadership position in space. In the past, spacecraft life support systems have used...





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