Integration of an ARC/INFO GIS with HEC-1
A hypothetical watershed was constructed to test the efficacy of using an ARC/INFO Geographic Information System to provide input for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-1 hydrologic...

Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Systems Planning and Implementation
The paper describes the approach taken to develop infrastructure rehabilitation procedures for Water Distribution Systems. Early research attempted to develop a mains condition oriented...

A Decision Support System for Water Supply Costing
Accurate cost estimates for water supply system expansions are an important component of the planning process. A spreadsheet-based cost estimating model called SWFCOST was developed as...

A Visualization Toolkit for Fluid Mechanics
The increasing complexity of both experimental and computational models in fluid mechanics requires innovative techniques for analysis and comprehension. Visual methods have been shown...

Block-based Solvers for Engineering Applications
This paper compares the performance of standard linear system solvers, LINPACK, widely used in engineering applications, and PARALIN (a block-based package for linear systems) on the Alliant...

Design of a Neural Network Power Grasp Controller
An overview of research on the development of an artificial neural network controller used to implement power grasping on the DIGITS Grasping System is presented. The DIGITS System, under...

AI Development Environment for the Maintenance of Existing Buildings
A specific structural typology is considered with a deep expertise available on the subject. The 'state of health' of a single building is assessed by an expert...

COFDEX: Composite Floor Design Expert
A knowledge-based system, called COFDEX, is presented for integrated minimum cost or minimum weight design of composite floors in multistory buildings. Developed in the expert system programming...

h-p Adaptive Methods in CFD
This note summarizes recent progress in developing h-p adaptive finite element methods for the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. A brief review of the h-p strategies and...

Uses of the hp-Version of the Finite Element Method for Ensuring the Reliability of Engineering Data
There is a growing interest in ensuring the reliability and accuracy of engineering data computed by the finite element method. Various adaptive and feedback schemes, which involve the...

Axial Force-Moment Interaction in System Reliability
For rigid-plastic structures with random resistances and loads, a technique is presented that identifies critical failure modes considering the effect of axial force-moment interaction...

An Adaptive Importance Sampling Strategy
An adaptive importance sampling scheme is presented. The scheme updates both the estimate of system failure probability and the importance sampling density. The sampling density used is...

Response Variability and Reliability of Stochastic Systems Using the Weighted Integral Method
After obtaining an exact expression of the stochastic stiffness matrix in terms of random variables called weighted integrals, the response variability and the safety index of stochastic...

Biomechanical Model of a Lumbar Intervertebral Joint?A System Approach
This study was conducted to determine the forces sustained by the lumbar ligaments under flexion-compression using a two-dimensional equilibrium model. The lumbar motion segment was modeled...

Normal and Tangential Contact of Layered Spheres as Models of Joint Contact
The causes of cracking in degenerating cartilage are examined using analytical models of layered elastic spheres in normal and tangential contact. Vertical surface and deep radial cracks...

A Two-Dimensional Model of Airbag Deployment
An interactive program was developed to simulate the unfolding and deploying process of a driver side airbag in the sagittal plane. The airbag was represented by a series of nodes. We...

Using a Linearized Yield Surface in Dynamic Analysis
This paper describes an application of the finite element method to dynamic analysis of systems which exhibit material nonlinearity. A time history approach is used with a central difference...

Time-Delayed Control of Nondispersive Continuous Systems
This paper deals with the noncollocated, time-delayed active point control of continuous systems. It considers systems of finite spatial extent which can be modelled by the undamped wave...

Spatial Coherence in the Chaotic Dynamics of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Elastic Impact Oscillators
In this paper, we describe a method for estimating the number of degrees of freedom needed to adequately model nonlinear structural systems. We apply the method to the study of chaotic...

Experimental and Numerical Chaos in Continuous Systems: Two Case Studies
Motivated by recent numerical investigations according to which certain types of deep-water compliant offshore structures may experience undesirable chaotic motions, two types of experimental...





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