Prototype Testing for the Yucca Mountain Project
The U.S. Department of Energy, through its Yucca Mountain Project Office (YMPO), has been conducting prototype activities in welded and non-welded tuff. These activities are in preparation...

The International Stripa Project: Technology Transfer From Cooperation in Scientific and Technological Research on Nuclear Waste Disposal
The Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD/NEA) sponsors the International Stripa Project. The Stripa Project is open to participation...

The Status of the Site Characterization and Validation Program in Phase III of the OECD/NEA Stripa Project
In 1980, the International Stripa Project was organized under the aegis of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency for the purpose of conducting research, at the Stripa mine in Sweden, related...

Concepts in Prototype Testing for In Situ Geomechanical Investigations at Yucca Mountain
Geomechanical investigations comprise a significant portion of the site characterization program to be conducted at Yucca Mountain, the site of a proposed repository for nuclear waste....

Reconnaissance ? ??C and ??8O Data from Trench 14, Busted Butte, and Drill Hole G-4, Yucca Mountain, Nevada Test Site
Trench 14 was excavated to investigate the extent of Quaternary movement on the Bow Ridge fault, a north-south structure on the east side of Yucca Mountain. The trench exposes calcite...

Yucca Mountain Project Public Interactions
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is committed to keeping the citizens of Nevada informed about activities that relate to the high-level nuclear waste repository program. This paper...

Local Economic Impact Assessment of the Nevada Test Site: A Methodological Prelude to Socioeconomic Assessment of the Proposed Yucca Mountain High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
The economic impact of the high level of nuclear repository can be approximated by studying the economic effects of the Nevada Test Site. Using the UNLV Nevada models, we estimated the...

Public Attitudes Toward a High-Level Nuclear Repository: Implications on the Prospects of Successful Siting
Recent legislation enacted by the State of Nevada makes it illegal to store high-level nuclear waste (HLNW) within state, posing a serious threat to the federal government's...

Social Impact Assessment of Siting the High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository in Nevada: The Use of Risk Future Scenarios in Survey Research
The proposed siting of a high-level nuclear waste repository in the State of Nevada has raised difficult problems with respect to assessing future social impacts. The projection of impacts...

Site Selection Criteria for Constructing an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) at a Commercial Nuclear Power Plant
Commercial nuclear power plants in the U.S. are responsible for providing their own interim storage for excess spent fuel. A facility located onsite, acting as a buffer between in-pool...

Concrete Cask Storage Technology
The paper presents the design and operation of the new dry storage system for nuclear waste. The system was designed by complete nuclear, thermal-hydraulic and structural analysis to the...

Properties of the West Valley Waste Form
The centroid composition of the West Valley Demonstration Project waste form has been selected on the basis of criteria mandating high chemical durability and good processibility. A review...

Soluble High-Level Waste Decontamination and Disposal at the Savannah River Site
The high-level radioactive waste that has accumulated at the Savannah River Site is stored in large underground steel tanks. Programs to remove the soluble waste from the storage tanks,...

Effect of Minor Actinide Removal From Fission Products Before Vitrification on the Radiological Impact of a High Level Waste Deep Repository
The topic of this work is to assess the effect of minor actinide (Cm, Am, Np) removal from fission products before vitrification on the radiological impact of a vitrified waste geological...

Assuring Quality Measurements of Environmental Radioactivity for a High Level Waste Repository
Federal agencies have ordered detailed quality assurance documentation in procedures used for measuring environmental radioactivity during the site characterization phase at the proposed...

Probable Maximum Floods at the Yucca Mountain Exploratory Shafts
This paper presents an analysis of flood flows in the Coyote Wash at the proposed high level nuclear waste repository site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Estimates of the hydrographs at various...

Computed Distributions of Residual Shaft Drilling and Drift Construction Water in the Exploratory Facilities at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
The Yucca Mountain Project is studying the feasibility of constructing a high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain in southwest Nevada. One activity of site characterization...

Hydrologic Characterization of Faults and Other Potentially Conductive Geologic Features in the Unsaturated Zone
The capability of characterizing near-vertical faults and other potentially highly conductive geologic features in the vicinity of a high-level-waste repository is of great importance...

Research for Final Disposal of Unreprocessed Spent Nuclear Fuel in Sweden
The second Swedish programme on research, development and demonstration in the nuclear radioactive waste management area was submitted by SKB to the Swedish National Board for Spent Nuclear...

Status of Site Investigations for Spent Fuel Repository in Finland
TVO's site programme aims at selection of a repository site for spent fuel by the end of 2000. A repository is planned to be constructed in the 2010's and commissioned...





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