A Rocky Mountain Project Intake/Discharge Channel Flow Simulation Study
A two-dimensional depth-integrated finite element flow model was applied to evaluate pumping and generating flow conditions at the Rocky Mountain Project powerhouse intake/discharge channel....

Hydraulic Design and Development of Propeller Replacement Runner for R. H. Saunders
This paper outlines the hydraulic design for the R.H. Saunders replacement runner. The six-bladed propeller runner was numerically optimized based on 3-dimensional flow simulation. After...

Evaluation of Turbine Intake Velocity Criteria
The paper addresses the effect of intake flow distribution on turbine performance at low-head projects. Field and model test data are used to raise the question of whether typical turbine...

Through-Flow Analysis for Rockfill Dam Stability Evaluations
Existing rockfill dams may have spillways that are not adequate to pass the current probable maximum flood (PMF), having been designed prior to the publication of the latest Hydrometeorological...

A Case Study, Large Versus Small
This paper will review the hydraulic comparisons between the Lock and Dam No. 13 Hydropower Project, a 33-MW, low-head generating station near Fort Smith, Arkansas, and the Murray Hydroelectric...

Performance Analysis of Multipath Acoustic Flowmeters Under Various Hydraulic Conditions
Multipath, crossed plane acoustic flowmeters are being increasingly used for hydroelectric turbine efficiency measurement both for acceptance testing and efficiency mapping of units in...

Decision Support for Colorado River Operations
The United States Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) uses a simulation model known as the 24-month Study Model for planning monthly and seasonal operations for the Colorado River Basin....

Pressure-Time Method Using Modern Practices
Over the past twenty years, Hydro-Quebec has modernized the pressure-time method of flow measurement, a method which is generally economical but sometimes difficult to apply. Starting...

Turbines and Pump Turbines for Ultra High Heads
The paper describes the turbine development in Norway as background for high head turbine technology and shows a typical Norwegian high head Francis as an example. High head reversible...

A Decision Support System for Prediction of Crop Yield, Evapotranspiration, and Irrigation Management
Computer simulation models have been developed which predict growth, development, and yield for grain legumes. These models can be applied for yield prediction as well as water management...

Informed Use and Potential Pitfalls of Canal Models
Numerical models of unsteady flow in canals are used in the design, analysis and operation of irrigation canal systems. Their informed use requires knowledge of the potential pitfalls,...

Canal Model Evaluation and Comparison Criteria
The ASCE Task Committee on 'Irrigation Canal System Hydraulic Modeling' was formed to evaluate existing canal unsteady flow models (computer programs) and to...

A New Method for Calculating a Mathematical Expression for Streamflow Recession
An empirical method has been devised to calculate the master recession curve, which is a mathematical expression for streamflow recession during times of negligible direct runoff. The...

Ground Water Modeling Using the Method of Lines (MOL)
The development of robust general purpose numerical algorithms for initial-boundary value ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which use the method of lines (MOL) makes the solution...

Time Scales for Surface-Subsurface Flow Modeling
Traditionally, interactive free surface flow and subsurface flow are analyzed separately, using infiltration rate described by an infiltration formula as the common boundary condition....

Description and Evaluation of Program CANAL
CANAL was developed in 1987 at Utah State University to perform hydrodynamic computer simulations of canal networks. This paper describes the model and offers opinions on the model's...

Description and Evaluation of Program: SNUSM
The Staggered Net Unsteady State Model (SNUSM) was developed in the early 1980's by the United States Bureau of Reclamation under the direction of Bob Gooch and Al Graves....

Description and Evaluation of Program MODIS
MODIS is an implicit hydrodynamic modeling package that has been developed to investigate the hydraulic performance of dynamic controlled irrigation systems. The model's most...

Description and Evaluation of Program: DUFLOW
DUFLOW is a micro-computer software package for simulating one-dimensional unsteady flow in open channel systems. It is designed for simple networks of channels with simple structures....

Description and Evaluation of Program: USM
USM was developed by the USBR for simulating unsteady flow conditions in canals with either manual or automatic gate operation. This paper describes the model and discusses the relative...





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