Nitrification in a Salt Wedge Estuary
Autotrophic nitrifying bacterial activity and numbers were measured in a salt wedge estuary receiving ammonium-rich effluent from a municipal secondary wastewater treatment facility. Instream...

Modelling as a Tool for Analysis and Assessment of North Sea Pollution
This paper briefly describes the analysis of pollution inputs into the area considered and the application of modelling techniques to quantify the hydrodynamics and related transport phenomena...

Quantifying Chemicals in Coastal Environments
Because management and regulation is largely based on numerical chemical data, understanding of the process, products and limitations of environmental chemical analysis is critical for...

Current Research Efforts in Determining the Effects of Tributyltin Use in Marine Paints in the Chesapeake Bay Estuary
In the mid-seventies, manufacturers of marine paint began to use a tin-based biocide called tributyltin or TBT. TBT has been found to be very effective in slowing the biofouling process....

Use of Fish Liver Pathology as a Tool for Environmental Assessment (`siabstract)
Despite the recognized value of fish liver pathology as an environmental assessment tool, little guidance is available on the design and interpretation of such studies. Proper study design...

A Regional Screening Method for Classifying Pollutant Status of Coastal Waters
A regional assessment method has been developed to classify estuaries on the basis of their pollution severity, enabling resource managers to prioritize clean-up and future research efforts....

A New Approach to Watershed Planning
Public and government concern over possible degradation of water quality and natural resources in the Hood Canal estuary has led to the creation of a unique intergovernment body, the Hood...

Resolving Permit Conflicts in Oregon's Coastal Zone
Oregon has a complex system of federal, state and local government agency planning and permitting in its coastal zone. The policies, standards and permits of these agencies frequently...

Multiple-Interest Problem Solving at Cascade Ranch
The State Coastal Conservancy successfully resolved a series of related coastal resource issues in the Cascade Ranch project in San Mateo County on the California coast. This project,...

CZM: Evaluation of State and Local Power-Sharing
Since 1976, the Secretary of the U. S. Department of Commerce has approved coastal management programs in twenty-nine states and territories. No two state programs are alike, and they...

How to Save a Resource Negotiated Development
In negotiating a development project where the object is to preserve a resource, the negotiator must 'bring something to the table. ' That something is either...

Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity (CARICOMP): A Regional Laboratory Network
The CARICOMP (Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity) project began with a workshop in 1982. Marine scientists from 12 Caribbean nations gathered to consider the factors controlling the...

State-Federal Gorda Ridge Task Force as a Conflict Resolution Mechanism
In 1983 the Minerals Management Service of the U. S. Department of the Interior proposed leasing of a large submerged area off Oregon and California for polymetallic sulfide mining. The...

Comparing Results of Wave Data from Two Recorders
In this paper two sets of wave measurements made in the same region using a pressure transducer and a wave rider bouy are compared. The same methods of analysis were applied to both the...

Coriolis and Our Land-Sea Environments
The characterizations of the Coriolis Acceleration Vector with water pile-up and circulating currents, which produce shoreline erosion or accretion were presented at the Coastal Zone 85...

Dispersion of Coal Particles at the Sea Floor
Due to coal unloading, certain quantities of this material arrive at the sea floor, and may pollute the beaches. This study provides a theoretical analysis and numerical simulations of...

Investigation of Wave-Induced Oscillations in Sewage Outfalls
The work described in this paper deals with the effect of wave action on the hydraulic performance of a sewage effluent outfall. The outfall under consideration is an inverted siphon....

Forecasting Currents in Coastal Waters
A service for current and temperature forecasts has been developed for the coastal waters along the west coast casts has led to several improvements. Future modeling efforts are expected...

Practical Application of Acoustic Doppler Profilers
This paper discusses the advantages and limitations of the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), and it reviews some of the experience gained to date with the ADCP relevant to currents...

U.S. Coast Guard Experience with Wave Turbines
Since 1980 the United States Coast Guard has been developing a lighted buoy for exposed areas and congested harbor entrances. The buoy hardware is of conventional design while the signal...





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