Dynamic Stability of Composite-Material Circular Cylindrical Shells with Orthogonal Stiffeners
The governing equations are formulated for general (axisymmetric or unsymmetric) vibrations of thin circular cylindrical shells of composite material and reinforced with axial (stringer)...

Bifurcations and Chaos in Structural Control
We study a harmonically forced oscillator with nonlinear soft spring subjected to a linear feedback control with time delay. This system can be written as a three dimensional dynamical...

Regularization Methods for Identification of Structural Damage
Generally, various non-unique solutions may be obtained from ill-conditioned equations. Several methods are available to obtain a unique (minimum energy) solution to a modified and thus...

Updating Dynamic Models and Their Associated Uncertainties for Structural Systems
The problem of updating a structural model and its associated uncertainties using dynamic test data is addressed, considering uncertainties which arise from measurement noise, modeling...

Applications of Viscoelastic Damper to Jointed Structures for Seismic Mitigation
Some structures, such as dams, are built with contraction joints that might carry some small tensile stresses. Such joints are expected to open and close during an earthquake. That will...

Anatomy of the Loma Prieta Earthquake Records of Two Steel Buildings Using MIMO System Identification
The Loma Prieta strong-motion records of a 4-story and a 47-story steel building are analyzed using system identification. A time variation study from the 4-story building records reveals...

Effect of Active Control on Closely Spaced Natural Frequencies
Current problems in structural control involve structures with closely spaced natural frequencies (M.J. Balas, 1983). The purpose of this paper is to show how control affects a structure...

The Microstructure of Hardened Cement Paste and Concrete
Concrete is a composite material created from a mixture of a binder (hardened portland cement paste) and a filler (fine and coarse aggregates). Like any other composite material the physical...

Distributed Failure Analysis, Fallacies and Remedies
In the past, two distinctly different approaches - smeared and discrete failure descriptions have been utilised to capture failure mechanisms in solids and structures. These two approaches...

Failure Analysis of Masonry Structures
The use of smeared-crack and interface elements for the analysis of masonry structures is investigated. While a variety of structural problems can be solved with a combination of both...

Frequency Response of Disordered Periodic Structures
A computational procedure is given for calculating the frequency response of disordered periodic structures based on wave propagation theory. An ideal periodic structure is composed of...

Random Response of Multicrystalline Structures
An approach to the probabilistic modelling and analysis of multicrystalline microfabricated beams is presented with application to micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). Random, textured...

Full Scale Application of Active Bracing Systems
A full scale active bracing system has been installed in a structure in Tokyo, Japan. The practical problems associated with the implementation of this system, and the corresponding solutions...

Interaction Effects in the Hybrid Control of Euler-Bernoulli Beams
The effect of viscous and Voigt damping upon the open loop response of simple continua such as Euler-Bernoulli beams is well understood. However, when attempting to control a distributed...

Recent Findings in Active Structural Control
Over the past decade, tremendous advancements have been made in the development of structural control paradigms and in the necessary supporting technologies. The fundamental paradigm that...

Structural Control Under Stochastic Seismic Loads
This paper presents a method of controlling nonlinear and hysteretic civil engineering structures subjected to stochastic earthquake ground excitations. Emphasis is placed on control of...

The Generalized Brazier Problem for Orthotropic Straight Tubes of Finite Length
A new engineering approach, based upon a mixed variational functional, is presented for the analysis of the nonlinear static behavior of thin-walled, circular-cross-section cylindrical...

Crushing Response of Energy Absorbing Composite Structure
A description of why and how composite structures crush and absorb energy is presented. The three primary crushing modes of composite structure (transverse shearing, lamina bending and...

Reduced Basis Technique for Nonlinear Vibrations of Composite Panels
A reduced basis technique and a computational procedure are developed for the nonlinear free vibrations of composite panels. The computational procedure can be conveniently divided into...

Experimental Investigation of Bending and Twisting Coupling in Thin-Walled Composite Beams
The behavior of a thin-walled ppen section composite material beam depends on the anisotropic mechanical properties of the panels that form the beam. A beam theory has been proposed for...





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