Probabilistic Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis with Reliability Updating
A randomized fatigue crack growth model based on the Paris and Erdogan crack growth equation is used to estimate the reliability of fatigue sensitive details in steel bridges. This model...

Effects of Random Material Properties and Loads
The variability of slab deflections is estimated from analytical expressions accounting for random variations of spatially distributed loads and material properties (stiffness parameters)....

Probabilistic Slope Stability?Case Study
The stability of a slope depends upon highly variable conditions of varying degrees of importance. Probability theory is used herein to assess the relative importance of the soil parameters...

Probabilistic Model for Stability of Slopes
Presented herein is a probabilistic model based on derived distributions to predict shear strength of soils and the safety factor of slopes considering uncertain properties of soil, namely:...

Reliability of Geotechnical Systems Considering Geological Anomaly
Anomaly statistics at a given site are first assessed through Bayesian methodology on the basis of site exploration data. Several methods may be then used to incorporate the anomaly uncertainties...

A Probabilistic 3-D Short-Term Slope Stability Model
A probabilistic model to analyze the three-dimensional stability of earth slopes under short-term conditions is presented. An actual failure case is studied to show the implementation...

Simulation with Ordered Discrete-Stochastic Samples
In order to account for the viscoplastic deformations, leading to the failure of structures, the nonlinear dynamic responses can be obtained with convenient spatially discretization schemes....

Stochastic Fem Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Problems
This paper deals with the stochastic finite element analysis of nonlinear structural dynamic problems, using Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The stochasticity of those problems arises...

Dynamic Maps for Seismic Risk Reduction and Effects of Soil Conditions
In order to perform useful vulnerability and risk evaluations, it is essential to have at one's disposal an automatic procedure of elaboration which provides answers in real time as soon...

Effect of Spatial Variation of Ground Motions on Bridges
The effect of spatial variation of ground motions on the response of a two-span bridge is presented. Perfectly and partially correlated earthquake ground motions are used as input motions...

Structure of the Expert FRAMEX System on Fracture Mechanics
The FRAMEX expert system gathers, through independent modules, knowledge analysis techniques to be used by an expert for developing a fracture problem diagnosis. The system includes three...

Reliability Study of Randomly Imperfect Beam-Columns
In this study, the effect of random initial geometric imperfections was treated as a set of equivalent random initial forces. This concept enables the direct employment of existing stochastic...

Vacuum Sewers: Fundamentals and Design Methods
Vacuum sewer (VS) systems have important advantages over conventional gravity sanitary sewers or septic tank-soil absorption systems when one or more of the following conditions hold:...

Movement of Chloride Ions in a Saturated Soil Sample
A series of laboratory experiments were performed to demonstrate and track the migration of chloride ions in saturated soil samples undergoing freezing. Results from these experiments...

Rolling Incinerators
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) is using a mobile incinerator to clean up a former oil and solvent storage/transfer operation which was badly contaminated. The benefits...

Biological Treatment of Hazardous Wastes
Biological treatment�using nature's bacteria and fungi�sometimes costs as little as 10-20% as incineration. Wastes in any form�solid, aqueous and gaseous�can be treated biologically....

Dilatometers Settle In
The benefits of the dilatometer test DMT are described. This geotechnical in situ testing tool was developed and patented by an Italian professor and engineer named Silvano Marchetti....

Priority Integrated Pipe Evaluation
The selection of the most suitable pipe for a given site involves the consideration of many factors affecting pipe performance. The factors to consider in sewer pipe evaluation and selection...

Current Developments in Reinsulating/Waterproofing Underground Steam Mains in New York City
The objective of Con Edison's reinsulation project is to develop the materials and technology necessary to reinsulate those steam distribution mains having excessive thermal...

Iowa's Experience with Various Types of Pipe in Natural Gas Service
The Utilities Division, Iowa Department of Commerce, is responsible for the rate, service, and safety regulation of utility companies in the State of Iowa. This paper will summarize a...





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