Pressuremeter and Shallow Foundations on Sand
The settlement and bearing capacity rules for the design of shallow foundations on sands using the results of pressuremeter tests are reviewed. The results of four footing tests to failure...

Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Tidal Circulation Study
Expansion of harbor facilities frequently involves placement of additional landfill and the deepening of channels and mooring areas. A numerical tidal circulation model was used in the...

Seismic Design of Earth Retaining Wharf Structures
Seismic design considerations pertinent to earth retaining wharf structures are reviewed. These considerations include: evaluation of the seismic environment and design earthquake ground...

Treating Sewage in One Tank
A sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was the answer to a sewage problem that was holding up community development in Poolesville, MD. Poolesville was one of the first municipalities in the...

Deformation Characteristics of Cohesionless Soils from In Situ Tests
This paper is a summary of seven years experience gained by the National Electricity Board of Italy (ENEL), ISMES and Technological University of Turin in assessing these parameters using...

Pressuremeter Correlations for Preconsolidated Clay
Conventional triaxial compression and consolidation tests are often utilized to obtain parameters for design of foundations. More recently, Menard pressuremeter test results have been...

Predictions of Pile Shaft Capacity With the PLS Cell
In situ measurements of stresses and pore pressures on a model pile shaft, the Piezo-Lateral Stress (PLS) cell, are utilized to reconstruct the conditions of load tests involving two large...

Flat Dilatometer Tests in Calibration Chambers
This paper presents the results of a series of Flat Marchetti's Dilatometer Tests (DMT's) performed in a large Calibration Chamber (CC) on dry Ticino (TS) and...

Residual Soil Settlement From Pressuremeter Moduli
The Menard pressuremeter test is briefly described, and practical drilling techniques are summarized for Piedmont residual soils. Applications and limitations of the pressuremeter are...

Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Cone Penetrometers
Cone penetrometers from 8 organizations have been studied by performing laboratory tests and field tests. The testing show that pore pressure and temperature zero shift affect significantly...

In Situ Tests with Ko Stepped Blade
The results of field tests conducted using the K//o Stepped Blade to determine lateral stresses and other geotechnical properties are presented. The sites tested represent a wide range...

Pore Pressure Effects in Borehole Shear Testing
The effects of excess pore pressures on shear strength results obtained using the Borehole Shear Test (BST) were investigated. Pore pressures were measured during the consolidation, shear,...

Electrical Method of Predicting In Situ Stress State of Normally Consolidated Clays
The electrical method was used to characterize the electrical anisotropy, shape and cementation of fine grained soils. It was found that for normally consolidated soils there is a strong...

Bearing Capacity of Footings on Clay CPT Method
A method is proposed to predict the ultimate bearing pressure for footings on clay using data from cone penetration tests. This method relates the ratio of ultimate soil bearing for a...

In-Place Permeability Measurement of Slurry Trench Cutoff Walls
A suggested procedure for the in-place measurement of slurry trench cutoff wall permeability is presented. The H. Bouwer and Rice method, employing a single observation well and variable-head...

Use of Piezometer Cone Data
The piezometer cone is generally regarded as the most efficient tool for stratigraphic logging of soft soils. A thin pore pressure element (5 mm thick) can sense layers a few centimeters...

CPT Indexing of In Situ OCR in Clays
Cone penetration tests may be used to index the in situ preconsolidation pressure in clay deposits. A specified relationship between C//u/ sigma //vo and the overconsolidation ratio (OCR)...

Slow Rate Sand Filtration Using a Zeolite Surface Amendment
The objective of the study was to obtain detailed information regarding amended filter performance at surface loading rates 2 to 4 times higher than standard flow rates. Experiments were...

Models of Organics Transport Through Soil Columns
A mathematical model is proposed for the transfer of organic solutes in soil. Two cases are considered namely transport of non-adsorptive solutes and transport of adsorptive solutes. Comparative-study...

Modeling the Movement of Volatile Organic Chemicals with Unsaturated Flow
Over the past decade, the rate of groundwater contamination by volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) has increased. Therefore, for both groundwater protection and cleanup, it is necessary...





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