Structures for a Lunar Base
Constructed facilities will play the key role in the establishment of a lunar base. Such a base is essential in the development of the space frontier and the expansion of humans into space....

Structures for the Moon
Lunar structures present new challenges for structural engineers. By articulating lunar conditions in terms of various 'causes,' e.g. high transportation costs...

Design of a Second Generation Lunar Base
We discuss the design of a permanent lunar base of 100 person size which may be able to expand to a base of about 500 person size. We present a preliminary design for a base concept which...

Lunar Oxygen Production from Ilmenite
Carbotek has developed a process for oxygen production from ilmenite-rich lunar deposits to support lunar base operations and large-volume propulsion needs. The reduction of iron oxide...

Plasma Processing of Lunar Ilmenite to Produce Oxygen
In order to make a space industry economic, a reliable extraterrestrial source of oxygen must be identified for immediate use. Lunar ilmenite has recently been considered as a candidate...

Homesteading Mars
The author gives serious study to setting up a permanent Martian base during the first or second manned Mars mission. The savings of fuel and equipment for the return trips might pay for...

Response of Advanced Composite Space Materials to Thermal Cycling
In addition to microgravity and lack of atmosphere, the space environment provides intense radiation of both penetrating and nonpenetrating types. This paper focuses on the cyclic radiational...

A Study of Damage in Curved Composite Panels
Composite laminates subjected to a low speed impact, such as a dropped tool or a manufacturing load, often develop an internal delamination. This research studied the effects of a circular...

Planetary Base Inflatable Form Construction
The use of the inflatable form (IF) structure has been practiced in the concrete industry for more than a decade. This article proposes the use of a double-walled IF for the Phase I construction...

Progressive Impact Damage Assessment in Composite Pressure Vessels
At the present time, advanced composites have been widely accepted as engineering materials. Analysis techniques for the response of composite materials and structures to static loads...

Laboratory Investigations of Low Earth Orbit Environmental Effects on Spacecraft Materials
Operations in low earth orbit (100-500 km) must take into consideration the highly oxidative character of the environment. Partial pressures in the range of 10-6-10-7...

The Strategic Exploration Initiative - Lunar Basing
The Strategic Exploration Initiative (SEI), as conceived by the author in 1987, applies the weaponry of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) to non-military goals. These include directed...

Plasma Reactor Waste Management Systems
The University of North Dakota is developing a plasma reactor system for use in closed-loop processing which includes biological, materials, manufacturing, and waste processing. Direct-current,...

Nature's Solutions to Space Insulation
Humans working or living in the harsh environment in space must be protected from temperature extremes. Any effective insulating system must be able to withstand a wide range of temperatures....

Oxygen Production for a Future Lunar Base
This paper discusses various ways for providing oxygen for a lunar base. Currently, there are three methods available which are technologically possible. One of these is the use of chemical...

Sulfur-Based Construction Materials for Lunar Construction
Several approaches have been suggested to use lunar or Martian aggregate in extraterrestrial construction. These approaches include hot pressing of lunar soils producing cements and concretes...

Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete
Composite steel-concrete systems are used extensively for buildings, bridges, and other civil engineering structures. Research and development related to composite construction are in...

Waste Processing: Makes Good Energy
Materials separation in solid wastes streams will generate more BTU's at waste-to-energy facilities. The removal of noncombustibles like bottles, batteries and refrigerators...

Hydraulic Fill Structures
This volume contains 53 papers covering many aspects of hydraulic fill structures with special emphasis on geotechnical issues. The papers present an excellent review of historical development,...

New Found Youth for an Old Foundry
The Grey Iron plant, central foundry division of General Motors Corp., in Saginaw, Mich. conducted a study to evaluate the capacity and tooling of future casting operations of the more...





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