Finite Element Discretization for Mixed-Mode Fracture Problems
The finite element discretization of mixed-mode problems in fracture mechanics is investigated. The characteristics of the mesh near the crack affect the accuracy of the finite element...

Analysis of R/C Slab Under Turbine Missile Impact
Turbine missile impact on reinforced concrete barrier in nuclear reactor power plants is simulated using the finite element method. One of four full scale turbine missile impact tests...

Measuring Dynamic Occupant Loads by Microcomputer
Present building codes regard live loads caused by human movement as deterministic; values are based upon experience and tests run in 1912, 1922, and 1932. An experimental project to statistically...

Performance of Highway Traffic Barriers
This paper describes an investigation of traffic barrier performance in New York State. A one-year sample of all traffic-barrier accidents in the state was obtained from Department of...

Transitioning End Terminal A TRENDtm for the Future
The highway engineer frequently starts from a position where an identified highway element is causing serious injuries or fatalities to motorists on the nation's highways....

Occupant Risk in Longitudinal Barrier Collisions
The following paper presents data derived from sled test experiments, full-scale vehicle crash tests as well as an in-depth analysis of accident data which suggest that occupants are not...

Strengthening Alaskan Beaufort Sea Soils with Portland Cement
Preliminary studies undertaken to assess the feasibility of utilizing gravity structures on soft arctic silts indicate that the available foundation capacity are insufficient. Therefore...

What to Do When a Failure Occurs
When a major building problem involving structural failure occurs, action should begin immediately to determine the damage or failure and detect the underlying problem. This paper will...

Sampling and Testing in Stiff Crustal Clays
In desiccated clays, the secondary structure consisting of fissures and slickensides greatly influence the measurement of soil strength. In a sampling study, such soils were found to be...

Mechanics of Crack Propagation in Stiff Clays
Many stiff clays forming part of natural slopes and earth dams exist in the fissured state. When these cracks are subjected to gravity induced normal and shear stresses they may propagate....

A Laboratory Investigation of the Undrained Small Strain Behavior of London Clay
Three different total stress-paths were followed during shearing of the anisotropic consolidated (CAU) tests: compression, extension and a stress-path simulating an element under a plate...

Lateral Pressure in a Stiff Clay
A series of consolidated undrained and drained triaxial tests and oedometer tests were performed on horizontal and vertical specimens taken from an overconsolidated cretaceous clay. An...

Excavation in Hard Clays of the Keuper Formation
For the construction of a lock on the Main-Danube-Canal in South Germany a 30 m deep cut had to be excavated in the overconsolidated clays and claystones of the Keuper formation. The strength...

Preliminary Seismic Risk Maps for Puget Sound
Ground shaking during Puget Sound earthquakes is characterized by irregularly shaped areas of high intensity ground motion, not all of which are correlated with soil type. Simulation of...

Seismic Acceleration Maps for Oregon
To evaluate the seismic hazard for the Corps dams in the Portland District, operating basis earthquakes (OBE) and maximum credible earthquakes (MCE) were established for seismic zones...

Seismic Risk Assessment for a Utility System
Presented is a procedure by which a utility could develop the probabilities for different levels of capital loss exposure for its system. The procedure relies on experience data obtained...

Seismic Risk Analysis System
The Seismic Risk Analysis System was developed to model the expertise of experienced engineers and researchers and to provide consultation to the users. The Seismic Risk Analysis System...

Design and Planned Use of a 2-Kiloton Eccentric Mass Vibrator
High-level testing of large civil structures is usually not practical, due to structural damage considerations and available testing equipment. However, in the case of a joint American/German...

Attapulgite: A Clay Liner Solution?
Poor performance of clay liners at waste management facilities has resulted in the EPA mandate of synthetic polymeric liner materials to comply with zero penetration requirements. Laboratory...

U.S.-Japan Coordinated Program on Masonry Research
An overview of the U. S. -Japan Coordinated Program on Masonry Research is presented. The program consists of parallel efforts in Japan and the United States to develop design methods...





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