Safety as a Prime Consideration
Designs in the 1980's have a multitude of parameters from environmental, noise, aesthetics, planners, community groups, political influence and last but not least, legal/liability...

Design Standards and Public Liability
For years in California, a defense to a negligence action was contributory negligence. This was replaced in 1975 by comparative negligence, which the paper discusses. It then goes on to...

Rating Pavements by Computer
Pavement rating is a necessary and labor-intensive job and one with a high turnover rate of personnel. Also, rating scores are often inconsistent from day to day, or between different...

Tunneling a Bridge
Linking an addition to the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta required a pedestrian tunnel through a railroad embankment 100 ft wide and 40 ft high, with no disruption of train service...

Advances in Short Span Steel Bridges
Applying recent research to the design of short span steel bridges can lower their cost and maintenance. Such research involves improved limit state criteria, more uniform lateral load...

Jointless Bridge Decks
Deck joints in a bridge are the source of many problems over its lifetime. In time, chances are good the joint will leak, permitting water and salt to leak through. Often this leads to...

Greater Compatibility in Highway Safety
There is a pressing need to improve communication, cooperation, and coordination among the disciplines involved in highway safety. The challenge is to improve, if not perfect, the exchange...

EMS & Highway Safety: Together We Can Save a Life
The various elements of the highway safety program share several common goals and objectives. Timely achievement of these goals will require a cooperative and, at times, interdependent...

Effective Communications in Highway Safety Programs
The problem of creating a safe environment for the users of our highway system has been with us almost since the invention of the motor vehicle. Generally accepted throughout the field...

Highway Work Zone Safety
The objective of this presentation is to provide discussion on how to improve the interdisciplinary information exchange to enhance safety on roads and streets from the viewpoint of the...

Communication?A Common Vision
It is imperative that lines of communication remain open between those who represent the 'state of the art' in safety. The common goal of these interrelated disciplines...

Human Factors: The Problem with the Problem
Human behavior in the highway transportation system is prone to error and has basic limitations. It is modifiable within those basic limits. Most often we focus attention on the behavior...

Interdisciplinary Communication and Traffic Safety: An Information Systems View
The purpose of this Highway Safety Forum is to find ways to improve communications among professionals in eight disciplines which are involved in the effort to reduce the number and severity...

Highway Safety Design Communications
This paper gives an examination of problems and prospects of incorporating more current highway safety knowledge into the design process through promising communication linkages between...

Engineering with Fabric
Geotextiles are lending their strength to construction projects where conventional methods won't work. At Washington National Airport, an embankment was built into the Potomac...

Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in British Columbia, Canada
Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) pavement is an outgrowth of the traditional cement-treated aggregate base (soil-cement) method of street and highway construction. The major use in British...

Highway Safety Forum
Advancing Road Transportation Safety Through Better Communication and Cooperation Among the Disciplines
Safe travel on our streets and highways has long received ample attention. However, there remains a relatively unexplored area within this subject. This area is communication between the...

Redecking with Precast Keeps Traffic Moving
The Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge in Washington, D.C. could not be closed to traffic while a new deck was constructed. The engineers designed a precast prestressed and post-tensioned...

Rail and Road Traffic Continue During Bridge Modification
The crossing of Route 15 under the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Bridge, Bangor, Maine had limited sight distance and marginal clearances. Maine Department of Transportation, therefore,...

Steel Girder Bridge Sets Record Length
The Veterans Memorial Bridge at Ottawa, Ill., is the longest plate girder, stringer type bridge in the country with spans of 385, 510 and 305 ft. Value engineering played an important...





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