MBTA Red Line Extension Operating Plan
Completion of the MBTA's 3. 2 mile Red Line Rapid Transit Extension is scheduled for 1985. When completed, the seven year 574 million project will add three new stations to...

Transit Operations Input to Project Planning and Design
The rationale for most public transportation projects is a requirement imposed on the operating agency by an existing or expected service demand. These expected operations may be intended...

A Look to the Future in Watershed Management
The discipline of watershed management will continue as a viable specialized field as the scarcity, demand, and price of water increase in the future. Training of watershed managers should...

Modeling Off-Site Impacts
The off-site impacts of a flood water control program were evaluated by applying the SWRRB (Simulation of Water Resources on Rural Basins) model to a treated basin, primarily agricultural,...

Prediction of Nutrient and Heavy Metal Transport Capacities of Suspended Sediment in the Southwestern United States
SEDCON, a computerized prediction technique (using forest type and geology as inputs) has been developed to estimate the impacts of land management practices on physical and chemical characteristics...

Noise Characteristics of Alternative Urban Transit Technologies
The noise characteristics of alternative transit technologies for an urban area are summarized. Among the transportation technologies considered are a busway system, light rail transit...

Summary of the Accomplishments of the Federal Rail Transit Vibration and Noise Control Technology Program
The U. S. Department of Transportation's Urban Mass Transportation Administration and Transportation Systems Center have played an active role in assisting the U. S. rail...

Innovative Strategies to Improve Urban Transportation Performance
The field of urban transportation is facing some severe challenges. Roadways continue to deteriorate, the financial condition of public transit systems is abysmal, and general productivity...

Organization and Management of Public Transport Projects
Transit development projects are undertaken to help satisfy escalating transportation needs in modern cities. The projects address an array of technical, social, and environmental considerations....

Modeling Contaminant Fate and Transport in Ground Water Systems
Determination of the fate and transport of contaminants in subsurface environments has been aided by recent advances in our understanding of ground water hydrodynamics and subsurface solute...

Legal Constraints on the Transport of Water
Legal constraints on water transport are based on legitimate concerns for protecting the future interests of the area of origin, but such constraints sometimes appear overly restrictive...

Parameter Identification in Water System Models
Parameter identification (PI) is an automatic model calibration technique with which the unknown physical parameters in a mathematical model are determined from a constrained optimization...

Fate and Transport of Metals in a River System
A steady-state model was developed that describes the fate of metals in a shallow river system. Settling and resuspension of solids were defined through empirical equations relating a...

Uncertainty in Unsaturated Zone Pollutant Transport
The portion of a pollutant spill transported to an underlying aquifer is uncertain due to the stochastic nature of precipitation and uncertainty in the geochemical properties of the contaminant...

Statewide Port Assessment?Louisiana Case
The Louisiana Statewide Ports Assessment (LSPA) has been conducted of significant changes in the economic environment of the State, Nation and world, which influences not only trade patterns...

Coastal Management Problems in the United Kingdom
Five case-studies from the East coast of England illustrate some of the obstacles facing more enlightened coastal management in the United Kingdom. All the examples demonstrate unsatisfactory...

Sand Rights A Legal System to Protect The Shores of the Beach
The legal system of water rights in California is highly developed. So far, however, it has failed to recognize in any comprehensive fashion the importance of the sand which is transported...

Examples of Sediment Distribution in the Italian Adriatic Coast. A Comparison Between the Shepard and the Nota Textural Classifications
Four sectors of the western Adriatic coast, each with a different feature, represent the test areas to evidence the differences between the two textural classifications of sediments by...

Sand for Beach Nourishment in Lower Chesapeake Bay
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science designed and performed an inventory of the resources of sand in the southernmost portion of Chesapeake Bay. The primary purpose of the project...

A New Method for Effective Beach-Fill Design
Beach nourishment with sand fill has been extensively used to restore recessional beaches, but the success of this method has been variable due to a poor understanding of sediment dispersion...





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