A Clean Up in Slow Motion
Eight years have passed since contamination was first discovered at the Valley Wood Preserving plant in Turlock, Calif. Though severe chromium contamination continues to travel toward...

Burying the Nuclear Past
The Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Program involves reclaiming 24 tailings piles. The work is done in terms of Federal Legislation to prtect the environment and people from the...

Courting Public Opinion
Promoting good community relations is an integral part of hazardous waste projects. Before field investigations are conducted, neighboring communities should be advised of the proposed...

Managing Dioxin
Dioxins, among the most toxic compounds known to man, are by-products from production of other chemical products. There are currently about 5000 metric tons of dioxin-containing wastes...

Jet Fuel from the Ground Up
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has implemented a multi-million dollar clean up effort to remove oil lenses beneath the bulk fuel farms it maintains at three New York area...

Superfund: Oh What a Relief It Isn't
A growing number of environmental engineers are conducting studies to evaluate the competence of waste disposal operations. Waste generators that rely on these studies in their selection...

Regulations Target Underground Tanks
When Congress passed the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984, (RCRA), underground storage tanks were considered to be a major threat to the country's water supplies....

A Flood in the Desert
Since 1982 the Great Salt Lake has risen from an elevation of 4,200 ft above mean sea level to a historic high of 4,211.85 ft in June 1986. The sharp rise in the lake has caused considerable...

Stopping Seepage
The Navajo Dam in New Mexico has major seepage problems. The Bureau of Reclamation, which owns the Dam, conducted studies, verified by outside consultants, concluding that the combination...

Waves in the Water Works
The 1986 amendments to the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act are far reaching laws that may affect many drinking water utilities across the nation in the next decade. Congress passed legislation...

A Watery Grave
Subseabed disposal may be the most acceptable means of dealing with radioactive wastes. Land disposal sites are difficult to find and politically difficult to use. Little research has...

Bridge Design By 1-2-3
MULTBEAM, a Lotus 1-2-3 template, can be used to analyze simple-span, multigirder steel highway bridge superstructures. Since it was developed for in house use by Sverdrup Corp., this...

Crossing A Freeway
The Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle is being constructed on air rights spanning Interstate-5, adjacent to the seven acre Freeway Park that also spans the highway....

The Problem with Public Works
This article discusses the reasons that public projects take longer to complete than private projects do. Unencumbered by the laws, regulations and political conflicts that slow public...

The Road to Drained Pavements
In California, a fast-draining base course within the pavement structure is now the preferred design. For the first time, the 1987 edition of the California Highway Design Manual recommends...

Taking Water to Market
If the West is to enjoy continued population growth and economic development, huge volumes of water must be switched from farming to municipal uses. A free market in water will encourage...

Probabilistic Site Strategy for Transmission Lines
A probability-based geotechnical site characterization strategy is presented for transmission line structures. Because site-specific data are sparse for these structures, a Bayesian model...

Transmission Structure Foundation Loads and Performance
Transmission line structures are subjected to unique loading conditions which for the majority of structures results in maximum loads which occur infrequently and act for only short periods...

Construction and Design of Foundations for French Overhead Power Transmission Network
This paper summarizes present conception and design of foundations for 90 to 400 kV overhead lines in France. Firstly principles of geotechnical studies in use are presented: various types...

Uplift Capacity of Model Group Anchors in Sand
Small-scale laboratory experimental results for the ultimate uplift capacity of shallow horizontal circular single and group anchors embedded in sand have been presented. The experimental...





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