Assessing the Quality of Citizen Volunteer Monitoring
Total-error profiles and quality control charts are presented as quantitative techniques to determine acceptability of methodology and analyses for volunteer water quality monitoring programs....

Balancing the Benefits, Weighing the Consequences: The Ventura River and the California Coastal Act
Four years after its construction on the Ventura River delta, the Ventura River inundated the Ventura Beach Rv Resort. The facility had been permitted under the City of San Buenaventura's...

Federal Damage Assessments in New England After the Halloween '91 Northeaster
The unusually long period waves which characterized the storm of 30-31 October 1991 caused it to be one of the most destructive storms to impact the New England coastline. To assess emergency...

The Marine Prediction Institute of the National Institutes for Environmental Prediction
The Marine Prediction Institute (MPI) was established as a marine warning and forecast center which will originate and issue analyses, guidance, forecasts, and warnings of relevant marine...

Storm Water Permitting: A Case Study in Cooperation
Amendments to the Clean Water Act established a framework for regulating industrial and municipal storm water discharges under the National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES)....

Chlorinated Pesticide in a Fish Farming Station in the Lake Maracaibo Basin
The present evaluation of chlorinated pesticides is the result of the detection of tumors, hepatic and renal necrosis and skeletal anomalies in species of fish cultivated in artificial...

Coastal Non-Point Source Pollution Abatement: The Shipbuilding and Repair Industry
In cooperation with several shipbuilding and repair businesses and several state environmental regulatory agencies, site visits, waste-minimization assessments, and storm water sampling...

Greenlining the Seacoast Institution Design for Nonpoint Source Control
This paper examines the challenges to and techniques used in greenline approaches to natural resource management and considers their applicability to the implementation of nonpoint source...

Nearshore Berms: An Evaluation of Prototype Designs
The US Army Corps of Engineers continually seeks new ways to use clean dredged material. In recent years, placement of this material in shallow water to construct nearshore berms has become...

The Wetted Bound: The Missing Link between Surveying and Planning?
Aerial photographs of the coastline are useful tools for investigating historic shoreline changes, especially in locations where such photographs are available back to the late 1920's....

Global Ocean Observing System to Determine the Health of the Ocean
Many of today's environmental problems stem from insufficient attention to the need for environmental protection in the course of large scale development. Often this inattention has been...

Political Coalitions to Conserve Coastal Barriers
The Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) (P.L. 97-348) (16 U.S.C. 3501 et. seq.) has frequently been cited as a model Federal environmental statute. Despite this reputation, relatively...

Tideland Reclamation: Establishing a Permitting System for Taiwan
Tideland reclamation represents one of the most serious challenges facing coastal zone management in Taiwan. Due to limited living space on the island and the difficulty in obtaining land,...

Beneficial Utilization and Wetland Creation from Dredge Spoil
The Louisiana Coastal Management Division monitored a federal navigation dredging project where half of the wetland disposal sites were constructed by non-traditional methods (partial...

Cooperation+Coordination=Synergy?Hawaii's Key to Success
This paper describes the Hawaiian Islands experience - how coordination and interagency cooperation has fostered synergy in their efforts to conserve, enhance and sustain natural resources...

Master Planning to Resolve Hawaiian Coastal Problems
Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, is an extensive estuary enclosed by a coral barrier reef. Currently, the Bay is heavily used by numerous groups for a range of different types of activities,...

Partnerships Strengthen Watershed Management
In reaching across political and institutional boundaries to manage nonpoint source (nps) programs, agencies are recognizing the need for strong communication, coordination and planning....

Minerals Management and Conflict Resolution
Development of hydrocarbon and mineral resources in Federal waters along the Pacific coast of the United States has been a controversial issue for years. The Minerals Management Service...

State Capacity to Plan and Manage for the Protection of Tidal Wetlands?An Assessment and Recommendations
As states continue to assume major planning and management authority for the protection of coastal natural resources, such as wetlands, a key issue becomes the ability or 'capacity' of...

Hydrologic Recovery of Artificially-Drained Wetlands in Coastal North Carolina
The hydrologic status of three peat wetland areas was compared to test a theoretical model which suggests that loss of conveyance capacity in artificial channels allows wetlands to restore...





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