Relocating a 54-Inch Diameter Force Main without Interrupting Wastewater Flow
The City of Tampa, Florida, was faced with the challenge of relocating three segments of an old 1372 mm (54-in.) diameter reinforced concrete pipe force main, totaling nearly a mile in...

Management of Sewer System Rehabilitation for the Overflow Abatement Program in Nashville, Tennessee
To comply with a state order to abate overflows of wastewater from the sanitary sewerage system, the Nashville, Tennessee, Metropolitan Department of Water and Sewerage Services has undertaken...

Pipelines Crossing Highways and Railroads by Tunneling
When new pipeline construction requires the crossing of highways and railroads, a pipeline is generally installed in pipe or tunnel linear plate encasement which has been installed by...

Analysis and Design of Direct Burial Sections of San Diego County Water Authority's Pipeline 4 Extension
The pipeline 4 extension is one of the San Diego County Water Authority's Phase I projects that will run for about 13 miles. Majority of this new pipeline will be 96 inch in steel and...

Database for Pipeline Bridges in North America
Work began in 1985 at Wayne State University on a research study of pipeline suspension bridges. This effort, which was funded by ANR Pipeline Company of Detroit, Michigan, investigated...

Microtunneling of Vitrified Clay Pipe in the United States
Vitrified clay pipe (VCP) has been used for centuries to convey waste water away for cities. In Europe and Japan, VCP has been used in the microtunnelling process for longer than 10 years....

Proactive Odor Control Using Computer Modeling
The City of Los Angeles (City) is currently designing the East Central Interceptor Sewer (ECIS) as a major relief sewer. The pipeline will convey wastewater flows that originate upstream...

Freight Movement in a Changing World and Changing Market Place
The main object of this paper revolves on the fact that for the foreseeable future, the bottom line of intermodal challenges for any North American container port is that business, trade,...

Washington State Pavement Management System
This paper provides a brief overview of the Washington State Pavement management System....

Compare: Hampton Roads Congestion Management Program
COMPARE is an acronym given to a traffic congestion management program that has been formulated through the cooperative efforts of all the major Cities and Transportation Agencies in the...

Identifying Transportation Control Measures: a Straighforward Approach to Identifying Transportation Control Measures to Address Concerns with Air Quality
The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) exemplify society's increasing environmental concern. Regions not attaining the CAAA requirements must develop methods to reduce the pollution....

Field Testing of Advanced Maintenance Data Acquisition Technologies in Three State DOTs
Field testing and evaluation of advanced data acquisition technology in Maryland, Connecticut and Arizona showed the potential for state highway agencies to improve existing procedures...

Congestion Management: Right Price
Congested city centers have become a nightmare of traffic planners. They propose a variety of measures to overcome the problem: more funds to road construction, tighter parking controls,...

Coordination of ISTEA?1991 Management Systems
Following the successful development and implementation of pavement management concepts, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) contains the provision that...

Long-Term Pavement Performance Program for Years 1992-1997: A Strategic Plan
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) began operational management of the Strategic Highway Research Program's (SHRP) Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program on July 1, 1992....

Cost-Effective Pavement Repair Materials
In 1990, as part of the Strategic Highway Research Program's (SHRP) initiative in the highway operations area, a 2 1/2 -year research effort was initiated to study the cost-effectiveness...

Anti-Icing...The Liquid Answer
In the fall of 1984, Great Salt Lake Minerals and Chemicals Corporation of Ogden, Utah (a major producer of Salt and Allied Chemicals) introduced their 'Alternative Deicers' to Washington...

Using SHRP Tests to Evaluate CRM Asphalt Pavements
During the recently completed Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), there was insufficient time or funds to evaluate the inclusion of waste materials in asphalt paving mixtures. However,...

An Evaluation of the Strategic Highway Research Project Packing Handbook
The objective of this paper is to present the use of the November 8, 1991 SHRP C-206 report entitled `Packing Handbook - A Guide to the Optimal Gradation of Concrete Aggregates'. The purpose...

Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Program in Japan
Japan's `Manual for Design and Construction of Asphalt Pavement' is based on technical results from the AASHO Road Test in 1960's. Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) is a much bigger...





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