Recent Findings in Active Structural Control
Over the past decade, tremendous advancements have been made in the development of structural control paradigms and in the necessary supporting technologies. The fundamental paradigm that...
Structural Control Under Stochastic Seismic Loads
This paper presents a method of controlling nonlinear and hysteretic civil engineering structures subjected to stochastic earthquake ground excitations. Emphasis is placed on control of...
The Generalized Brazier Problem for Orthotropic Straight Tubes of Finite Length
A new engineering approach, based upon a mixed variational functional, is presented for the analysis of the nonlinear static behavior of thin-walled, circular-cross-section cylindrical...
Crushing Response of Energy Absorbing Composite Structure
A description of why and how composite structures crush and absorb energy is presented. The three primary crushing modes of composite structure (transverse shearing, lamina bending and...
Reduced Basis Technique for Nonlinear Vibrations of Composite Panels
A reduced basis technique and a computational procedure are developed for the nonlinear free vibrations of composite panels. The computational procedure can be conveniently divided into...
Experimental Investigation of Bending and Twisting Coupling in Thin-Walled Composite Beams
The behavior of a thin-walled ppen section composite material beam depends on the anisotropic mechanical properties of the panels that form the beam. A beam theory has been proposed for...
Inflation Instability of Cylindrical Membranes
A new procedure which investigates inflation instability of cylindrical nonlinear membranes is developed. The general characteristics of inflation instability are described. An efficient...
Nonlinear Eigensolver for Exact Vibration Analysis
Vibration analysis of structural systems is concerned with accurately predicting the free vibration modes and frequencies of the vibrating system. This analysis process involves two general...
Modal Analysis of Vibration Response for Condition Monitoring of Structures
The response of a structure to load is evidence of what the structure is; of the materials, members, connections and form of the structure. Response is evidence as well of the condition...
Scattering of Waves by Steel Reinforcement in Concrete
The application of wave-sensing methods to the non-destructive evaluation of concrete structures requires often the use of simple (or at least tractable) models for the solution of the...
Modeling Bond Stress-Slip of Reinforcing Bars Embedded in SIFCON
A brief description is given of the mechanisms associated with the bond shear stress versus slip response of deformed reinforcing bars embedded in slurry infiltrated fiber concrete (SIFCON)....
An Elasticity Solution for a Transversely Isotropic Material Containing a Spherical Shell Under Arbitrary Axisymmetric Loading
A three-dimensional elasticity solution is obtained for a transversely isotropic solid containing an isotropic spherical membrane shell. Perfect bonding is assumed between the shell and...
Stability of Beams in Eccentrically Braced Frames
As the link yields and strain hardens in an eccentrically braced frame, the beam segment-outside of the link is subject to a combination of high axial force and bending moment. For certain...
Locally Buckled Plastic Hinge Behavior Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading Condition
In order to clarify the influences of local buckling under monotonic and cyclic loading conditions, experimental studies were carried out on W8x10 A-36 structural steel members subjected...
Stresses in Open Section Fiber Reinforced Composite Beams Under Constant Shear Loading
A strength of materials approach from the ply level is used to derive expressions for stresses in statically determinate open section composite beams subjected to constant shear loading....
Laboratory Testing of Mechanical Rock Bolts
An analytical solution to a boundary value problem of a clamped cylindrical panel with anti-symmetric angle-ply laminations subjected to transverse loads is presented. Sanders' kinematic...
Design Codes for Lunar Structures
The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Manual of Steel Construction is a codification for the design and construction of steel structures. It includes information, some tabular...
Design Concepts for a Lunar Concrete Production Facility
This paper discusses concrete production fundamentals on the earth and identifies applicable features required for lunar concrete production. Production principles unique to the lunar...
Lunar Oasis
The Lunar Oasis emphasizes development toward self-sufficiency in order to reduce dependence on the Earth for resupply and to enable expansion utilizing indigenous resources. The Oasis...
Building a Space Infrastructure: The Reclamation Experience
The third and last duty of the ... commonwealth is that of erecting and maintaining those public institutions and those public works, which, although they may be in the highest degree...
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