Transient Response of Wind-Induced Internal Pressures in Buildings
The paper refers to a new experimental approach applied in a boundary layer wind tunnel experiment to test the transient response of the wind-induced internal pressure in a building when...

Measuring the Spatial Characteristics of Unsteady Pressures
This paper has reviewed current methods of determining spatially-averaged time-varying wind loads on wind tunnel building models. Some of the possibilities opened by simultaneous multi-channel...

Field Experiments for Wind Pressures
A project is underway at Texas Tech University to acquire wind and building surface pressure data in the field. Objectives of the project are to obtain a reliable data base for external...

Improved Design Procedure for Shallow-Buried Structures to Resist Airblast Loading
Both conventional and nuclear weapons generate airblast loads of sufficient magnitude that structure survival at acceptable cost favors below grade construction. The design of shallow-buried...

Geotechnical Practice for Waste Disposal '87
This volume contains 55 papers covering many aspects of geotechnical issues associated with waste disposal. The papers represent advances during the intervening decade since the first...

A Burning Wasteland Reclaimed
Until recently the PJP Landfill exemplified what can happen when uncontrolled and illegal dumping goes on for many years. Now it is an example of what innovation and imagination can do...

Treating Expansive Soils
Damage that expansive soils do to light buildings can often be prevented or mitigated by preconstruction soil treatment. Treatments of three kinds are described�reworking the soil, controlling...

Sewers Get a Breath of Fresh Air
Domestic sewage pump stations and treatment facilities have long been plagued by corrosion and odor problems caused by hydrogen sulfide. It is also extremely toxic. Sulfide production...

Wave Energy Research in Ireland
Measurements taken at several locations off the Irish coast show that the average power intensity available to Ireland well exceeds 20 kW/m. Several projects have been undertaken in an...

Solution to a Waterhammer Problem: A Case Study
Waterhammer is caused by a rapid change in the flow velocity of liquid in a pressurized pipeline. Therefore, the potential for waterhammer exists in almost every pressurized liquid piping...

Selected Papers from the Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ?1985
This book contains English translations of 19 articles selected from the Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. Five of the papers are...

Land Application of Wastewater Sludge
Prepared by the Task Committee on Land Application of Sludge of the Committee on Water Pollution Management of the Environmental Engineering Division of ASCE. ...

Taipei Trade
The appearance of this building is remarkable�so were the cost savings. A design change form rigid shear walls to a ductile frame helped keep construction of Taipei's World...

Construction Guide Liners
Geomembrane liners for waste construction require meticulous construction, monitoring and weather watching. With much concern over the longevity of geosynthetics, many overlook the extreme...

Milan's Model Metro
A number of innovative geotechnical methods were used at the extension of the Milan, Italy, subway. Jet grouting, a technique used only a few times in the United States, was notable among...

Shake-Proof Dams
Seismic trouble spots in California and along the Pacific Coast usually get the most publicity. But many people don't realize that Wyoming, Illinois, South Carolina, Utah...

Another Geotech Import: Deep Soil Mixing
A technique called deep soil mixing (DSM), imported from Japan, has been used to stabilize an existing dam foundation. When the Bureau of Reclamation discovered that Jackson Lake Dam had...

Milwaukee's Deep Tunnels�No Clone
Tunnel boring machines are excavating nearly 19 miles of tunnels 17-32 ft in diameter as part of Milwaukee's $1.9 billion upgrade of its sanitary sewage system. Laid out to...

The Sand Bar Hydroelectric Project: A Case History
The Sand Bar project's major features include a reinforced concrete intake structure; 3. 5 miles of twelve foot diameter hard rock tunnel; a reinforced concrete powerhouse...

Leakage from Pressure Tunnels and Shafts
Several issues related to leakage from unlined pressure tunnels and shafts are reviewed and discussed. They include confinement, or cover requirements relative to hydraulic jacking of...





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