Bypassing Sand at Coastal Inlets
To reduce dredging requirements and to provide calm navigation channels, the U.S. Corps of Engineers often constructs jetties and breakwaters. These structures block sand drifting along...

West Coast Consulting Firm Gets Large Minicomputer to Keep Pace with Growth
This article tells the story of computer use in a medium-sized consulting engineering firm in the water resources field, Boyle Engineering Co., of Newport Beach, Calif. In the mid 1960's,...

Stadium Seats Slide on Water
In Denver, a unique 21,000 seat, 9-million pound movable stand is used to convert the Denver Mile High Stadium from baseball to football or soccer. The stands are lifted and move on 163-forty...

Rx for Drought: Pumping Plant to the Rescue
Designed and built by the East Bay Municipal District, the pumping plant built last year at Middle River, Calif. was not unusual in design. What was unusual was the speed with which it...

Dredge-and-Fill Saves $2 Million at Steel Mill Built in Swamp
The Georgetown Texas Steel Corp., in late 1973, accepted the challenge of developing a previously cleared cypress swamp on the east side of the Neches River across from Beaumont, Texas....

Teton Dam Failure
In June 1976, Teton Dam in Idaho failed. It was an earthfill dam 305 ft high. It failed by piping through the impermeable core of the dam. Among factors believed contributing to failure:...

Milestones in U.S Civil Engineering
Under the general titles of structures, transportation, water resources and sanitary, milestones in American civil engineering are listed in chronological order. An emphasis is placed...

Our Grand Erie Canal: A Splendid Project, A Little Short of Madness
As the first major water project in the United States, the old Erie Canal had major consequences on the economy and on civil engineering. Built in 1817-1825 to take advantage of the lowest...

Cost-Effectiveness of On-Site and Community Sewerage Alternatives
Some research and development work has taken place, over many years, on individual on-site treatment and disposal systems as well as non-conventional systems. Most recent work, however,...

Guide for Collection, Analysis and Use of Urban Stormwater Data
Proceedings of the Collection, Analysis, and Use of Urban Stormwater Data Conference held at Tidewater Inn, Easton, Maryland, November 28 December 3, 1976. Sponsored by the Engineering...

Ports '77
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of ASCE, held in Long Beach, California, March 9-11, 1977. Sponsored by ASCE, Los Angeles Section;...

Hydraulics in the Coastal Zone
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, held in Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, August 10-12, 1977. Sponsored by Hydraulics Division...

California Soon to Have Platform in 850 Ft of Water
Exxon's oil drilling and production platform, to be placed off Santa Barbara, Calif. next July, will stand in water twice as deep�� 850 ft versus about 420 ft�� as any other...

Hydraulic Fill Dams/Earthquake Stability
The 1971 San Fernando earthquake near Los Angeles, Calif., generated concern for the stability of hydraulic fill dams. Two dams located near the fault were damaged severely. The shaking...

Today's Northwest Passage
The Lower Snake River Project received the outstanding water resources engineering project award for 1976 from ASCE. The lower 140-mile (225-km) reach of the Snake River from its mouth...

Olympic Construction for Olympic Games
Montreal is preparing at full speed for the Olympic Games. The precast, post-tensioned concrete velodrome will seat 10,000. It will be available for conventions, public meetings, exhibits,...

Dredging and Its Environmental Effects
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Dredging and its Environmental Effects, held in Mobile, Alabama, January 26-28, 1976. Sponsored by the Task Committee on Dredging and its Environmental...

Environmental Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Environmental Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage, held at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, July 21-23, 1976. Sponsored by ASCE, Irrigation...

Preprints of Conference Proceedings of ASCE National Water Resources & Ocean Engineering Convention, San Diego, CA, 1976
The preprints were provided for the purpose of convenient distribution of information at the convention. Both author and subject indexes are provided in the beginning of volume 2633-2679....

Improved Design of Highway Culvert
New culvert design procedures, incorporating improved inlet concepts, make significant construction savings possible through hydrauically efficient use of the culvert barrel. Two representative...





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