Computer Control of Tunnel Systems
An active Tunnel Surveillance and Control System (TSCS) is generally indicated for long highway tunnels. The TSCS uses a computer system, detection devices and a communication system to...

Computer Aided Design of Traffic Signal Systems
Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) has traditionally been the domain of powerful and expensive computers. Personal computer technology, however, is rapidly changing this trend by:...

A Computerized Hazardous Material Incidents Database
This paper reports on the development of a microcomputer database management system for hazardous material incidents that occurred on highways and at fixed sites in Arizona. The objective...

Microcomputer Based Traffic Signal Inventory Records
This paper describes microcomputer software used by District 12 of the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation to provide for a constantly updated inventory of traffic...

World Bank's HDM-PC: A Microcomputer Aid for Road Planning and Management
HDM-PC, a microcomputer adaptation of the mainframe Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model (HDM-III), is a powerful analytical tool for the engineering-economic evaluation of road...

A Bridge Management System Module for the Selection of Rehabilitation and Replacement Projects
A procedure, developed for the state of Texas is reported, which determines an allocation budget for bridge replacement and rehabilitation projects, using multi-attribute criteria and...

Database Network for Innovative Maintenance Operations
This paper provides a summary of the main documentation supporting users of the MAINeT Highway Maintenance Innovations Network. More specifically, the paper explains how to: - find, review,...

Interfacing Pavement Management and Design Process
Pavement management systems coordinate all the activities required to provide pavements for the traveling public in a cost efficient manner. Information for the pavement management system...

Lapsize Computers and Local Pavement Management
The purpose of this study is to examine the use of a portable computer, the GRIDcase Plus, in local pavement management. A software program in BASIC is developed to run on the GRID, to...

A Microcomputer Methodology for Parsimoniously Structuring a Set of Activities
The paper develops a systematic methodology to aid in the identification and rapid structuring of a system of activities. In essence, the user is asked to supply only the names of the...

Estimating Toll Diversion for Beltways
The proposed E-470 beltway is a 48-mile circumferential highway which will connect major public and private developments east of the Denver metropolitan area as well as the new Denver...

Transit Scheduling Using Computer Graphics
Graphical scheduling has been very popular throughout the world, but until recently, has not been available for a computerized scheduling system. Computerized graphical scheduling systems...

GRREATdB - GRaphic Roadway Editor and Analysis Tool
This paper describes the development and use of a tool to link textual databases to road network-based interactive graphics. Advantages of the system are discussed. The GRREATdB program...

Application of Particle Tracking Model for Ocean Outfall Siting in New Bedford, Massachusetts
PACE, a particle tracking model, was used to assist siting studies for an ocean outfall to be built in conjunction with the City of New Bedford's proposed new secondary wastewater...

Modeling a Wind-Mixing and Fall Turnover Event on Chesapeake Bay
A three-dimensional (3D) numerical hydrodynamic model of Chesapeake Bay has been developed. Results from application of the model to one of the three data sets employed in the verification...

Estuarine, Shelf, and Ocean Hydrodynamic Modelling Approaches
Estuarine, shelf, and ocean hydrodynamic modelling approaches are presented in order to explore the development of a coordinated set of models to describe the complex interactions between...

Model Comparisons of Oyster Recruitment in Delaware Bay
A second order particle trajectory model using surface currents from a three-dimensional model of Delaware Bay was run for a period equivalent to the larval stage of the oyster C. virginica...

Education and Continuing Development for the Civil Engineer
Setting the Agenda for the 90's and Beyond
The 1990 Forum Proceedings is a collection of papers that were written to provide a basis for deliberation and conclusions at the ASCE 1990 National Forum on Education and Continuing Development...

Sons of Martha: Civil Engineering Readings in Modern Literature
These three stories excerpted from the new book Sons of Martha, compiled by Augustine J. Fredrich and published by ASCE as the first book in a new venture by the Publications Division, introduce the engineer...

The Great American Pyramid
For more than 50 years officials of Memphis, Tenn. have wanted to establish a link to their Egyptian namesake--and they will, through a pyramid. As opposed to its Egyptian forerunners,...





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