Computer-Integrated Construction
Computers have been used quite successfully as replacements for manual drafting, but to stop there seriously underuses the potential of computer aided design. By using the computer's...

Engineers and Managerial Challenges: A Transitional Perspective
Many engineers eventually become engineering managers, but the two roles are very different. The winning essay in the 1993 Daniel W. Mead Contest for Students offers some advice on the...

Restoring Freedom at the Capitol Dome
Early one morning last spring, a helicopter lifted that Statue of Freedom off its pedestal at the top of the U.S. Capitol Dome where it had stood undisturbed since shortly after the Civil...

Let's Go to the Videotape
Illustrating a design concept to educate and soften the resistance of community groups, environmentalists, government regulators and funding agencies is not a new idea. But the state of...

Survival Skills
Thinking of what will become of a firm once an owner leaves is an important topic what many owners of firms choose to ignore. As a result, many firms fail soon after ownership is transferred....

Reforming Japan's Public Works
Japan's public works bidding system has traditionally been dominated by money politics and industry collusion, which has served to keep out small Japanese companies as well...

Light at the End of the Chunnel
While the construction of the Channel tunnel was an engineering triumph, the project also had its share of cost overruns, inadequately prepared contract documents, and disputes over safety...

Sharing the Risk
In infrastructure privatization, arranging financing is as much an art as a science. At a recent conference in Washington, D.C., speakers discussed the opening of the public capital markets...

Engineers and Contractors Go Global
The telecommunication explosion and the rise of free-trade agreements are pushing consulting engineers and construction companies toward globalization, a trend seen in past decades among...

World Bank Update: In Deep Water
The World Bank has announced a dramatic shift in water policy that will nearly quadruple its spending in this area while it shifts the emphasis toward sustainable development. Instead...

Hong Kong: The US$10 Billion Dollar Question
Connections, deep pockets and perseverance were important in the awarding of contracts for Hong Kong's US$10.5 billion airport megaproject. The author notes many of the firms...

Poland Gets Moving
Poland's transportation network is a victim of two world wars, foreign domination, and neglected maintenance, but there are ambitious plans to rebuild the road and rail systems....

The Inflation Equation
The authors, a Brazilian and an American involved in a US$1 billion-plus project to build schools in the state of Rio de Janeiro, discuss how they managed despite monthly inflation of...

High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1994
The proceedings of the fifth International Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, held on May 22-26, 1994, Las Vegas, Nevada, continues a concerted effort to transfer technology...

Critical Issues in Water and Wastewater Treatment
This proceedings, Critical Issues in Water and Wastewater, contains short versions of most of the 114 papers presented at the 1994 Specialty...

Modelling of Flood Propagation Over Initially Dry Areas
This proceedings, Modelling of Flood Propagation Over Initially Dry Area, contains papers presented at the Specialty conference co-sponsored...

Safety at the Site
The engineer should not be responsible for safety at the construction site. Most standard contract documents allocate this responsibility in construction means, methods and sequences to...

Deep Dig, Tight Squeeze
Since it opened in 1928, the North Station/Boston Garden Complex has secured a firm place in local history. Boston Garden, home of the Bruins hockey and Celtics basketball teams, has been...

The Key is Constructability
Construction generally involves the collective efforts of owners, designers, contractors and suppliers. During the design phase, the engineer should be mindful of such critical elements...

Pregame Show
The 1996 Summer Olympics are still two years off, but Atlanta's painstaking preparation is in full swing. One key element is a carefully crafted construction program. The...





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